NFC Tag Reader & Writer

Read, Write & copy data on NFC tag & other RFID compatible chips with this app.

Total ratings

2.10 (Rating count: 184)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works decently for reading tags
  • Some users acknowledge it does a pretty good job
  • Has options for ad-free version
  • Excessive ads making the app unusable
  • Requires unnecessary permissions (contacts, location, media)
  • Limited functionality with certain tags (e.g., dual frequency tags)
  • User experience hindered by auto-launch feature for detected tags
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Permissions requested are excessive
  • Usability issues due to ads and permissions
  • Basic functionality limitations for certain NFC tags
See reviews for NFC Tag Reader & Writer on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.20
All time rating average: 2.10
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76% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Fadi Ramadan (Murex Hyena)
It needs to access your contacts and location to work , it's super scammy
John Dunn
Way too much spam.... wanted access to contacts, which I thought it didn't need but can't use without it..
Westin Francis
full of ads and there is prettu much no data provided of the tag
This Junk apps are overrun with advertisements.
Mona Verona
It can't read a basic bus card, complete time waste.
r suchowi
The app wants to access contacts, precise location and some other permissions it shouldn't have. Should be zero stars
Omar Altahan
I am required to share my precise location in order to use the app, no thank you
Aaron h
Unusable. Full of ads
Vincent Ng
Too much ads. even when there are better apps than this
Benton R. Olmsted
Auto launch when tag detected cannot be turned off!!! Please give users the option to turn this off, like MCT does. Also, for multi frequency tags please allow users to choose which frequency to address. I have dual frequency tags and the app defaults to 13.7, and I can't access the 125 tag at all. No way I will pay for the ad-free version until these issues are fixed.
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