App Info Checker

Get detailed information of phone hardware & installed applications.

Total ratings

3.87 (Rating count: 13,569)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Requires excessive permissions (location, contacts, camera) that seem unjustified
    • Too many intrusive ads
    • Ineffective at providing accurate app update information
    • Crashes frequently
    • Sluggish performance when scanning apps
    Most mentioned
    • Excessive permissions requested by the app
    • Intrusive advertisements
    • Inaccurate app update notifications
    • Frequent crashes during usage
    • Does not function as intended or advertised
    See reviews for App Info Checker on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.50
    All time rating average: 3.87
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    68% (15)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Hua wei
    It requires camera access and location, for what?! Just for apps info, completely not justified
    Galaxy Watcher
    Likely a malware. Requires every permissions. Too many ads. Fake positive rating comment with meaningless contents.
    Justin Murf
    You want ads ? This app is for you. After you select any function and then use the back button, you are treated with an ad. When you first launch the app, guess what... Ad. I understand the economics of free apps and supporting development using ads, but this is in my top 5 for apps that go way too far. Especially considering the app doesn't really warrant the onslaught of ads compared to functionality. Better to use a different app.
    It asks for every permission such as precise location and your contacts and phone access. If you refuse a single permission it refuses to even let me check an app's info, so for me this app asks too much of me for something basic like app info.
    Muzainul Akmal
    It's asking for contact, location and more permissions, very suspicious app
    Burn Erkaunt
    Why do you need my location, the ability to make calls, access to pictures, and access to my camera just to give me app information...
    Kucing Kampung
    I installed it, tried it to make it check on one of my apps, and it crashed. Not once, not twice but THRICE. Instantly uninstalled it. You suck.
    Mark Sipe
    App is useless shows updates available, go to play store and double check versions and no update exist even if I check UK play store (I am in the Us)...
    Like the app a lot, beat update checker I can find. But it's frequently telling me about app updates that when I go to the play store, I don't see.
    Brian Korner
    I'm Ok with some advertisements inside an app but these ones are too intrusive. I'll be removing it from my phone. I won't allow myself to be bullied into buying a paid version
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