NDTV : Daily News & Updates

Daily Updates on Sports, Entertainment, Bollywood, Politics and World News

Total ratings

3.72 (Rating count: 122,475)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface and smooth navigation
  • Comprehensive coverage of daily news
  • Availability of features like radio option and dark theme
  • Excessive advertisements that disrupt user experience
  • Decline in content quality and biased reporting
  • Frequent app crashes and technical issues
  • Misleading headlines and incomplete stories
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Decline in content quality and biased news coverage
  • User interface issues
  • Technical problems including app crashes
  • Misleading clickbait headlines
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.72
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Rating filters

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21% (7)
1 star
58% (19)
Date Author Rating Comment
Narayanan Parthasarathy
Today ISRO achieved a great success by docking two satellites. What we get in this useless ndtv is 10 articles on Saif khan. WhT an irresponsible journalism you do. So much obsession for an non deserving item undermining the article on national pride.
Prabhakar K
It has become like 3rd rated sites, with every click an ad pops out. Its more of an ad app than news app. 75% the headlines have misleading tags and very often the story is incomplete with no proper details. Its more of gossip than real news.
Vinod Gandham
Generally NDTV app is great but recent Audi add stuck this app on google Tv. It stuck everytime Audi add is displayed. It works perfectly with other adds..
Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
The problem with this app is they allow highly and extremely invasive ads, which are sometimes very ugly and are not worth even having them on my phones screen. Will quit using this app and will use & recommend better news channels with better interactive interfaces..
Anoop Rawat
Headlines have become click baits, sometimes totally opposite of actual story just to grab attention
harry s
Useless interface, bias news every where now. Since 2023, the actual news are kind of gone. All the important notifications on the world level, ndtv is showing completely useless and hopeless things. No actual news but completely different kind of reporting. No to mention, the app is getting useless and full of ads and bugs now...those days of glory are long gone.
Amol Pawar
After sending to and fro emails to apps.Ndtv team responded immidiately but the issue remains unresolved regarding extensive data consumption still video quality streaming option cannot be set. So currently one can use this app on wifi only. The app is great for daily news and daily news content has also improved.
jobsfor me
It has become a biased news app. Earlier it was a very good app. Earlier they use to do true journalism. But now they are reporting totally biased news. They are not showing the real truth to the people.
Nikhil patariya
I m checking it regularly some of the time it back for 2 or 3 sec in live tv and repeat the same.
Garbage cricket notifications all day, who wants live cricket scores on a news app, uninstalled.
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