Image Converter - PDF/JPG/PNG

Convert, resize, and compress your images effortlessly with Image Converter.

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 109,227)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Can convert different image formats
  • Offers a free trial
  • Some users found it effective for their needs
  • Excessive and intrusive ads
  • Difficult to navigate and use
  • Limited functionality for free version
  • Confusing file saving locations
  • Subscription model with tricky cancellation
Most mentioned
  • Ads
  • User interface difficulties
  • Issues with file saving and access
  • Limits of the free version
  • Subscription and payment concerns
See reviews for Image Converter - PDF/JPG/PNG on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 4.09
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81% (21)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ads. Ads. Ads. Every button I click brings up an ad that blocks the entire screen. The app doesn't even work! It won't save the images I'm trying to convert. I'm just clicking past ad after ad after ad for no reason!
Impossible to use, you can't specify which storage to search. Not to mention the ads which open each time you press a button & have fake "close tabs" so when you hit X, you're forced to the advertisers play page to download another spam app. Don't waste your time with utter & absolute TRASH like this.
Ben Gaskin
Paid app, not easy to use. If it's a paid app (even with a free trial) this should be mentioned in the first two lines of the play store description. No excuses. Give me ads if you want but don't pretend to be free Also, how do I convert a pdf file? I click on .pdf files --> no files found. If I have to figure out your weird file system for where you expect the file to be then you're already 1 star in ease of use. Sorry, these things are inexcusable.
Akbar Khan
After installing the software the first screen I got is to buy the software...yeah as of I will buy something without using it. Second screen I got is an advert. Then I got to select a file I wanted to convert, right after which I got another advert. This bombardment of adverts before I've even used the software made me want to close it. And when I did, I got another advert. So needless to say this software is just adverts after adverts and totally useless. Users beware!
Killer Kaos Twins
Does not convert the images to PNG. Didn't pay for anything beyond free version, but you shouldn't have to pay for premium features to get the basic functionality of an app.
Russell Sheppard
Horrible! The ads force you to websites and to download apps, which then they won't let you back into the app! You have to close it down and re-open it! I'm so sick of developers putting more attention into scamming us, then into providing the service we downloaded the app for!
Save yourself the time and DON'T DOWNLOAD! Horrible UI, limits to 5 files, scammy ads and pop-ups every few taps, etc. Too many good free alternatives out there to deal with this.
Juan Santana
Absolutely disgusting app. Tried several times to unsubstantiated. Won't let me say that the error now is charged me for the full month when I am not gonna use it . And they don't even have a customer service. You just get to send them a message with the issue to never get a reply. I am absolutely furious. The app don't even work right .
Yaakov Ostrover
Absolutely terrible. They push ads to install other aoos and don't let you get to run this app. I tried several times and was bombarded with other apps. Don't bother to install. Also don't bother to reply.
Ripley Kail
Constant ads every time you flip between anything to get you to buy premium. Just move on to the next. This predatory practice is annoying and out of hand, especially for a service you can get free elsewhere
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