QueQ - No More Queue Line

Doing queue reservation for your favorite restaurant around you.

Total ratings

3.41 (Rating count: 11,518)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good idea for managing queues at restaurants and national parks
  • Easy to use interface according to some users
  • The addition of Thai national parks is appreciated by some users
  • App crashes frequently, especially on Android devices
  • Slow performance and freezing issues reported
  • Notifications are unreliable and sometimes missing
Most mentioned
  • Frequent app crashes while trying to use its features
  • Slow performance and difficulty booking queues
  • User experience hampered by language barriers and permissions issues
See reviews for QueQ - No More Queue Line on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 3.41
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85% (23)
Date Author Rating Comment
Pongwanit J.
Katsu Midori CTW cause app crash. Does not happen with other restaurants.
Junko Poyoko
just open the app, the popup displays 'Sorry, the queue is full' ??? still not choose anything
Val's sleepy
Unable to book a queue for restaurants because the app kept force closing when choosing the number of people. Had to clear data to prevent it from crashing.
Ceejay Quach
Crashing everything I try to open a restaurant queue
Suddenly got notified after updated that this app is now containing some kind of malware, and I rarely using it anyways as it just unsupported in many place, and slow, so I won't take a risk using it anymore.
Nitchaya Ploynuch
It's not support for android. It's so slow and error many times.
Keyboard is not close after binding data.
ickung togo
The app always freezes during the event.
Kong Natee
จองร้านไม่ได้ Samsung one UI 6.1.1
Atiporn Suwanvajokkasikij
Very slow on Android. Always crash when have important event like Pop Mart.
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