English Guess The Phrase

A Hangman game that transform the way you learn English proverbs and idioms!

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 5,003)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and educational game for learning idioms and phrases
  • Easy to navigate with three levels of difficulty
  • Encourages family participation and low-stress gameplay
  • Good for brushing up on vocabulary and proverbs
  • Nice layout and vintage feel
  • Repetitive content after a certain number of idioms are solved
  • Some users find the game too easy and suggest harder levels
  • Issues with spelling and grammar in the phrases
  • Frustrating interruptions while solving puzzles
  • Difficulty in reading some text due to font and color contrast
Most mentioned
  • Need for more idioms and phrases to keep the game engaging
  • Concerns about the game being too easy for advanced users
  • Annoyance with interruptions while solving phrases
  • Positive feedback on educational value
  • Desire for improved user interface and graphics
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.11
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Date Author Rating Comment
Miranda Litt
This Word Game is good. The box for describing is Not! I'll have to play more to really praise it. They ask way too soon.
Charryse R Berry
Fun if you love learning new words/phrases and their meanings..l
Solitaire Burton
Like Wheel of Fortune, but uses only proverbs and idioms and none of the stupid frills. Just work it out, move on. Explains the meaning of everything. Which is good, but rarely necessary. Giving it 5 b.c. I have been playing for a while with no issues. Still playing after more than a year, which is good for me. Have ditched WOF, too much rubbish add ons, for no benefit to me. Still playing it in 2023. Just discovered "hints" 😆 LOVE ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 IT
Bo Zelley
This game is very enjoyable. I do find the font in the "meaning" area hard to read. Could it be made bigger and changed to black for better contrast?
Michelle Post
Even though I was born in and always lived in, the States, and am aware of our idioms, this game is difficult at times. It reminds me of Wheel of Fortune, except we don't get to spin the wheel. LOL. This game is fun, though. It works, has a nice layout, and uses little MB.
Elizabeth Lenhoff
This is the ultimate low stress game. It's fairly easy, even if you don't know the phrase. Can't figure it out, simply redo. No timers or loss of rewards. I use it when my daughter has a panic attack to help her refocus. In the car, the whole family pitches in. Wonderful game. Don't change a thing
Phyllis Munroe
It's a good game, but it could use harder levels. Maybe add some categories like quotes, animal facts, sports facts, or some random (but true) facts about anything. I've been through all of them a few times already & if there isn't anything new soon, it'll be time to delete this app. PLEASE add something to it, or at least let people know that it doesn't take long to get through this. That's why it's only 4 stars.
Judith Pereira
Anyone who's wanting to brush up on some ancient English Idioms, this app is perfect. It has a nice vintage feel to it and the sound effects are cool too. Really helps learn a lot of slang as well
Prabhat Rai
Very enjoying and educative. Relaxing when you are tired. I would like the developer to give searchable reference to the proverbs / idioms so that one can search later.
A Google user
I've always enjoyed this game but the star rating has for me, gone right down. What numpty decided to to put a green flashing sign to let you know we had won the game. Duh we could work that out for ourselves. It's so dammed annoying!!!!
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