Learn ABC English

Learn ABC English - a fun game helps you learn English effectively.

Total ratings

3.73 (Rating count: 6,275)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps children learn vocabulary and new words
  • Good for children who are not in school
  • Engaging for kids and can make learning enjoyable
  • Too many ads that disrupt the experience
  • App stability issues, including crashes
  • Difficult for some children to use due to the app's complexity
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Difficulty in using the app
  • Positive impact on learning
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.73
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Goretetse Oageng
Learners believe in seeing rather than hearing . This abc help them to have vocabulary and learn new words at the same time
Juma James
Easy and fast to get what so ever you want that teaches for kids to make them more brave
Dj Utimate k. Iyase
Good and it was easy for my daughter. Just too much ads
Terhemba Agbe
Too much as adverts
Lisandra Reid
This game is really nice because it help my little cousin learn her ABC
Brian & Mia Spratt
"Funny children"? More like funny app. No music, and crashes on start.
Shilpi Kumari
This app has too many ads after I opened puzzle after one puzzle add comes please solve the problem remove this as I get annoyed
8D Songs For You
I was pay for kid to unlock other alphabet but now not open the app refund my money or resolved this problem
Parchi N
I hate this app there is only ads in this app
Manju Raju
App is good but too many adds every second
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