Fish identifier

Find fish name by photo

Total ratings

1.38 (Rating count: 108)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not accurately identify fish
    • Often provides incorrect information, including wrong species names
    • App fails to load or stops functioning
    • User interface issues leading to frustration
    • Lack of basic functionality despite multiple trials
    Most mentioned
    • Doesn't work
    • Wrong identifications
    • Frustration with accuracy
    See reviews for Fish identifier on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 1.38
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    Hugo De beer
    Card details on free trials.
    martyn staines
    Hmm couldn't identity the most common fish
    Kayne Cousins
    Didn't work for the fish image I used. Was way off. So I uploaded an image of a penguin out of the water, and it gave a list of fish it thought it was. Not even close. Terrible.
    Pilardavid Sokun
    It decribe everything, even my feet and also it can't even got my fish right
    N. Bailey
    Does not work
    Christian Olesen
    Doesn't work - stops at "done"
    Shaun U (Templa)
    It's a con it doesn't even work. Don't waste your time.. the people who created it should be ashamed of themselves..
    Christopher Organ
    Doesn't work. Shows only the initial image of four fish and nothing more.
    David Smith
    Yes Ebay can make the purchase on for all add shipping cost is the their They look good. Not perfect but good.
    Jeremy Shuey
    It didn't even load. :(
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