jetAudio+ Hi-Res Music Player

Network/Cloud Streaming, Visualization, Graphic Equalizer and Sound Effects.

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 23,812)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • High sound quality and customizable equalizer options
  • Longstanding reputation and positive user experience
  • Features such as support for Dropbox and OneDrive
  • Robust library manager and playback capabilities
  • Good compatibility with various audio formats
  • Issues with adding songs to playlists
  • Bluetooth audio playback problems
  • User interface changes that are not well-received
  • Lack of support and slow updates for bugs
  • Problems with file recognition and album art
Most mentioned
  • Problems with playlist management
  • Bluetooth connectivity issues
  • User interface complaints and changes
  • Sound quality praised but performance varies based on setup
  • Support and responsiveness concerns
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kevin Ortiz (SpecialK)
Muzio started charging a subscription fee even though I purchased a pro license so I bailed. This app does everything just as well and is extremely customizable. This app even will let you search an artist and play songs in chronological order which muzio never did. Best music app imo
Eff Whit
Having an issue with my Bluetooth headphones. Sound cuts in and out when i want to play them full volume with certain songs. Only has this issue with this app so i think it's something with this app in particular. Don't know what the issue is. Maybe this app isn't optimized for use with Bluetooth headphones or something, not sure. Using Soundpeats Capsule3 pro+ wireless earbuds, if this info helps
Alex Sage
Cool player, but missing simple settings such as looping album. I have 3 songs in album and after they finished playing player stops playing and its very annoying, cuz a free player I had have such option. Also widget displays "unknown artist" which is totally extraneous info, if unknown just display filename, but never write that something's unknown its unhelpful and cluttersome. The "Up folder" icon should be fixed. Enabled bluetooth start play on connect fails.
David lucas
An app that all other apps should strive to emulate . As close to perfection as possible. The only app that I've ever paid for the pro version well worth the small amount of $ for the extended equalizer and dont pass up the opportunity to get Bongovi digital sound duplication it's absolutely incredible the sound you can get out of even the lowest quality speakers or headphones by adjusting the almost endless combinations of speaker , headphone and locations acoustic signatures. Incredible👍👍
Matthew Barlow
JetAudio has been great. I've been using it since 2010 on the computer. I'm glad they're still around. I can't add/remove songs to my Playlist anymore, shared or otherwise. It doesn't always stay active in the taskbar when pausing a song. *Update. I can't do it through Jet Audio but I found a way to add/remove songs from a playlist. If I opened the playlist.m3u in a text editor I was able to manually type the location/name of a song to add it, then save.
Zion Child
Works decent. High quality sound. Why was the retro control buttons removed? The app is already skinless. Now all we have is a boring material look. Nice looking equalizer and effects addons but a dry material player screen. Please add the option to pause on notification and audio focus change. Just volume ducking is not always suitable. More than just repeat song and playlist will be nice also. Advance to next playlist will be a valuable option.
Penelope Wilhelm
Raising my review to 5 stars. jetAudio is consistently the best sounding app available on the play store. It has plugins to adjust the sound in every way imaginable. The library manager is robust. It streams great from files on Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. It does have some flaws: it can't sort "The Beatles" as "Beatles," it struggles reading files from an external USB drive, and support is semi-responsive and rarely helpful. But I put up with the flaws for the incredible sound quality.
Bob Walker
Update 7-23-24 Mixed bag, it's better I guess in some ways and worse in others. It ported in band names with characters that aren't searchable making search difficult. Images of album arts are glitchy and auto pulling doesn't work well or display properly. I just enjoy the music and forget most of the "features" because they're broken. I've contacted the Dev many times. Broken English and solutions that really don't work are offered. A paid app should work properly. S21 ultra
FC Dobbs
I have loved using jetAudio+ for 10 years. The only problem is that makes other music players frustrating to use. I wish I could use it as the interface for my streaming apps, like Spotify,, Amazon Music, and YouTube Music. The cusomizability is amazing. You can use as is or configure it exactly the way you want. I use it to listen to my 100k+ track music folder or my 80k episodes of "Old Time Radio" from the Old Time Radio Researchers group. Either way the listening experience is GREAT!
Derwood Bones
To the Dev's, JetAudio app works perfectly on the Nvidia Shield TV but you have to side load it, Would you please add the Shield to the supported devices list, it would be nice if i could use the paid version I bought on the Shield rather than the free version side-loaded. UPDATE: After owning the windows plus version for more than a decade I was very disappointed to find you have to purchase the plugins separately with the android version, May not have purchased if I had noticed beforehand.
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