Bot Designer For Discord

An application that allows you to create simple discord bots

Total ratings

3.76 (Rating count: 8,667)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to understand and use for beginners
  • Allows for the creation of Discord bots without prior programming experience
  • Great for creating simple bots and learning the basics of coding
  • Offers free usage with ads for hosting time at no cost
  • Good layout and useful features for bot making
  • Heavy reliance on Wi-Fi, with issues on mobile data
  • Confusing search and documentation, with vague instructions
  • Frequent bugs and errors that disrupt functionality
  • Issue with the premium model requiring point purchases instead of a simple subscription
  • Support from the Discord server is minimal and unresponsive
Most mentioned
  • Need for better documentation and clearer instructions
  • Frequent bugs and instability
  • Heavy reliance on Wi-Fi for functionality
  • Confusion regarding premium features and the ad system
  • Desire for more advanced features and ease of use for custom commands
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.76
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Date Author Rating Comment
Really helpful, but add automatically bot embed detecting features too. would be bigger help
Zmir Wallace
Its great, but lets talk about premium. Premium adds the full experience from this app, alot of features that really help when making a bot. Issue is, the premium cost is structured weirdly, you'd think that it would be a subscription, but thats not the case. You have to manually buy 1 or more pointd when ever needed, instead of buying four every month automatically. I have a job where it requires that im gone for months. a subscription would be alot more easy
James McEwan
I've made a couple of bots with this app and with no experience, I've done quite well I'd say. I've been on this app throughout the whole night many times tinkering with my bot. I have had to use some YouTube tutorials though. Other than a couple of bugs and needing to watch ads for hosting time, I'd say this is a great app 👍
Muhammad Ibrahim
Extremely good i was up until 3am just tinkering with everything. Edit: for the people who want to change the pictures it wont show pics in the app you have to change from the discord developer portal
Trang Quỳnh
This really helped for when I felt like making first time with no experience in programming. My only issues with the app is that it is heavily reliant on wifi. Ads won't load and error messages pop up when saving commands if connected to mobile data instead of wifi. The app is great overall, and if I may leave a suggestion, I think there should be a way to set percentage chances of certain text/image showing upon using a command.
This is a good app for developing a relatively basic bot. It functions as it should, and it gets it point across. But i find there are a few issues. The function list weird to search through, along with how to use some functions also having vague instructions, the wiki doesn't give much more information, and I couldn't find a way to add to a variable's value. Though its good if you're in a bit of a pinch.
Kiya Ren-miyakari
About time I left a review; amazing app that introduces people to coding and setup up a not at no cost(w/out premium) and is really simple and easy to setup very useful for just messing around, making mockups, learning to code, etc. I wouldn't recommend it for a large scale bot because of the way the timer is used but it's a great tool for the mentioned above especially as not everyone has the tools or money to run a bot at times. Very cool and amazing app here!
Priyanuj Gogoi
Imagine an app which lets you create discord bot without having any real coding knowledge. Sounds interesting right? Then, this is the app you are looking for. Pros - Easy to understand and learn, Cheap premium hosting, Best for building any type of bots except music ones, Recommend for beginners who want to enter into the world of discord bot making. Cons - Lacks some features (but will gradually improve over time) Thanks! Kuba, Noituri & Bartek
Wojciech Walach
I love the ability to make a bot for free using this app. It's got a great layout and small useful features. The coding is quite hard to learn. The main problem I'm having is the support staff in the discord server. Their support is very minimal if I'm asking a question, and 8 times out of 10 they don't even reply. Other than the (pretty much) terrible staff, the app is great and I would recommend it if you can't be bothered to join their discord server.
Khyles Gibrian Ramos
Ngl. Super awesome concept but coding it yourself is still the best way. It does simple commands but when doing complex commands like logging data, referring to external database, command permission, custom cooldows and so on. It can't do those. Good for small servers who don't want to spend much resource of bots but bad for big servers who needs powerful bot.
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