Day Planner: Schedule Planner

Organize your day with Day Planner. Use Routine Planner to Improve daily tasks.

Total ratings

4.37 (Rating count: 488)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Good reminder feature
  • Potential for effective organization
  • Useful for daily scheduling
  • Unique features that help improve life
  • Requires extensive permissions
  • Difficult to navigate UI
  • App freezes or crashes
  • Limitations on the number of tasks for routines
  • Slow loading times
Most mentioned
  • Difficult user interface
  • App crashing issues
  • Permission requirements
  • Unique features
  • Task limitations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.37
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54% (13)
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17% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Can't even try the app without giving it permission to my whole device.
S Taylor
I wanted to like this app so badly but it's just impossible to figure out. I spent a good deal of time trying it out too and I couldn't get anything to workout for me. The UI is not friendly nor self explanatory which it should be considering it's notes and to do lists! Yikes and no calendar at all?
ali zafaravi
When I want to rub the app and tab to finish it freezes
Suhani Sonkar
Pravin Jadhav
It's a good app
Sahil Kumar
Really excellent app
atem mayen
This really improving people's life
Pushkar Kwatra
Thats An Unbelievably Good App. It has Unique features Combined together which has helped me so much. Thanks for this app.
Rebeka RemzsΕ‘
I was so excited when I saw the app and what it could do. Sounds really promising, and I was thinking to myself if it works all fine I'd even buy it. Than I started playing around in free mode. It says you can do 10 tasks per routine. I am not able to ad any tasks for a routine as it says the limit is 10 and I somehow reached it. Was very disappointed unfortunately as the app like this is basically not working. :( Hopefully it will be more flushed out as it looks very promising and unique.
Lonica McClure
Rating 3 stars for now for ad removal , will update once I've had a chance to poke around and try the system out. Looks good so far. The bold category colors look promising for my "round robin"-style zone rotation. The UI is simple but looks effective, I'll let you know more soon πŸ™‚
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