חברת דואר ישראל

אפליקציית חברת דואר ישראל החדשה

Total ratings

1.97 (Rating count: 6,827)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Farly easy-to-use if you understand Hebrew.
  • Has potential as a postal service app.
  • App is slow and unresponsive, often crashing or taking a long time to load.
  • Many users report bugs such as Recaptcha issues and tracking features not working.
  • Poor user experience due to small fonts and overlapping text input.
Most mentioned
  • Frequent crashes and bugs with the latest version.
  • Difficulty in tracking packages and receiving accurate information.
  • Inability to effectively use key features like making appointments and saving tracking numbers.
See reviews for חברת דואר ישראל on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 1.97
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17% (4)
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75% (18)
Date Author Rating Comment
The worst app I ever seen. With the further updates getting even worse... The so called "programmers" worked on this app should be disqualified and banned for working in this field.
Ron Redner
2.9 Star review is unacceptable. Fix your app. Get feedback and listen to what your users are saying! How can a company that respects itself tolerate such a low rating?! There's a good reason why this app has received this rating. My suggestion, use the app yourselves and understand what people dislike. Take note, and make the necessary corrections. If you don't have a rating of 4.5 or higher, find a more capable developer with a good track record and let them build you a better app.
Nwar Abu
Farly easy-to-use. Only in Hebrew.
Evgenii Piratinskii
Works one day in a month, if you are really lucky
ariel hezi
Doesn't work , trying to look for a tracking number and none results comes up ,fix your app
avi moshel
It loops and does not allow me to entet the code received.
Arik Bider
The app is pretty slow compared to the standard today. Nonetheless, it feels more like a replica of their website rather than an app.
Yosh Mantinband
A good idea, but extremely poor execution. Excruciatingly slow and unresponsive. Even the back button takes several seconds to respond, so one instinctively touches it again - oops! Now it exits the whole app! Newest version loses list of items. Missing features, e.g, no way to copy tracking number so it can be searched in messages or email. Existing features could be more accessible. Still looking forward to an improved version with better performance, features, and human factors engineering.
Isaac Piha
This is a terrible app, the Recaptcha doesn't work properly. Yoi get approval that it is correct and then the Post Office app cannot access it again and yoj have to go through theprocess again. Basically, it's not functional. Better they do away with the App and the Postal authority, can't call it the Postal Service על הפנים. לא ניתן להרשם
Ohad Ben-Baruch
The app used to be helpful. The last update has a bug and My Mail part is static and not being update with new packages and status for the existing ones. On the website everything is OK. This is annoying.
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