iScrap: National Scrap Prices

Yards, News, & Market Trends

Total ratings

3.96 (Rating count: 1,598)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides current scrap prices for users engaged in scrapping activities.
  • Offers advice on separating different metals for maximum profit.
  • Allows users to submit local scrap yard information for consideration.
  • Useful for getting fair pricing on scrap metal in general.
  • Frequent and intrusive pop-up ads that disrupt the user experience.
  • Many users experience crashes and app stability issues after updates.
  • Inaccurate or outdated pricing information reported by multiple users.
  • Limited coverage of local scrap yards; many users find their frequent yards missing from the list.
  • Difficulties in entering prices due to input bugs and permissions issues.
Most mentioned
  • The app crashes frequently, making it unusable for many users.
  • Persistent pop-up ads are a major source of frustration.
  • Many users mention outdated price information not reflecting current market conditions.
See reviews for iScrap: National Scrap Prices on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.96
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Date Author Rating Comment
Wesly Browder
I have no idea if this app tells anything. Seems to show the same price daily for 3 or 4 months since I installed the scrap app.
Golden Silver
This app has very little, if any, competition. There is one feature that I believe is critical the functionality, accuracy, and overall usefulness of the app that needs needs to improve significantly: The ability to take a photo of the receipt from the yard so one can avoid manually entering the data that is uploaded to the app. The feature doesn't like the format of the receipts that my yard gives me. I would have uploaded dozens more which would improve the accuracy of price info on the app
Pop up ads suck a$# It's too bad that we bow down to the corporate sector that's why I uninstalled it... They will be our dimiss if we let them..... Not with out a fight
Chris Gesino
A very good worthwhile app to have if you do any amount of scraping. If your just tinkering or are at it full time the easy access to currant prices are a must. They give you good ideas on how to break somethings down as well as how you should separate all your different metals to get the most money in your pocket. After they corrected my last review I see you are able to add local yards easily enough. Just send them a message and they'll look into it. Very nice keep up the great work
Update August '24 Well in their search for Fortune's & Fame IScrap has decided to implement ads that slow down & make it even more useless! I uninstalled it IMMEDIATELY! Will not reinstall again. I stopped watching the YT videos! Thom is only pushing for more revenue, not to help out the scrappers who helped build the channel. Reason is I have to submit 3 or more & still not post local yards for others. Get more off Fb page or Google even.... Good luck keeping the subs!
Too many pop up ads. Every button you click has a 1/3 chance to play a full screen pop up ad, with no cool down. Leading to multiple minutes of watching ads from just wanting to select three options.
David White
It does what I need . Starting thiis July it is not working . It says app has stoped working and closes app . Does this on both of my phones . July 11 working after reinstall . Thank you
Susan Cantrell
Well, it worked great up until this last update both on my zfold 3 5g and my motorolaas soon as I hit the find prices it crashes on all devices that I've got. Why did you have to and mess things up?
Patrick Lee
App was working ok for a bit, now it consistently crashes to home screen every time you start the app and tap the button on the apps opening screen to check prices ...
John Nunley
Had this app less than a week, and it stopped working. Unable to get past the first screen and see the srap prices for scrap metal at yards. The app just stops working and kicks me out so no real point to this app if it doesn't provide the basic information needed so I've deleted the app and have left this review so that either the creator of this app improves it or at the very least a warning ⚠️ to others that until the app is improved to avoid the app until such time as it improves or not.
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