Ipsos iSay Paid Survey Rewards

Rewards for surveys on the go! Earn money and rewards by completing paid surveys

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 93,705)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to understand surveys
  • Straightforward points system
  • Good customer support
  • Ability to choose which surveys to complete
  • Interesting and relevant surveys
  • Inconsistent survey availability
  • Frequent app crashes and errors
  • Account issues leading to inability to redeem rewards
  • Surveys often disappear unexpectedly
  • Poor navigation and lack of features like a back button
Most mentioned
  • Lack of survey availability after redeeming rewards
  • Crashes and freezes during surveys
  • Issues with account verification and access
  • Survey not loading or being unavailable
  • Customer support slow to respond or ineffective
See reviews for Ipsos iSay Paid Survey Rewards on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.60
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65% (20)
Date Author Rating Comment
Matthew Lane
I wouldn't bother. I've used Ipsos for years and it used to be good - the questionnaires used to be targeted and interesting and used to reward time spent with points. Ive tried the app again recently and it's still rubbish. The questionnaires offered bear no resemblance to what you end up "selected" for and every single one has so many pre selection questions that you can spend what feels like ages answering questions with no rewards! It's a pale imitation of what it used to be.
Bishnu Maity
The Best Servey App for users looking for a side earning app. I have been using it for about 1 year and it has been the best one so far. The team is very connective and is always ready to reach out to its users. Although I had some issues in its UI, But they were solved after contacting them using in app support. Thank you Ipsos... I suggest this app eagerly to all new users. Thank you!💝🥰⭐✨
Mohamed Albakkar
At first everything was going smoothly and I redeemed a 10 dollar visa gift card, but after I redeemed the gift card. No more surveys would be available and I've been waiting for surveys for a whole week. But overall experience it is a good app. (Please fix the issue)
Its been about two months from the initial profile surveys and not a single survey has appeared even tho I check multiple times a day. After contacting support multiple times and being told that it would be fixed there is no fix in sight thr app just seems broken for Android users and seems they won't bother to fix it since many others are having the issue yet they could care less.
Ashley Wolfenbarger
I've been doing Ipsos surveys off and on for sometime. For some reason they've frozen my account, haven't responded to my email questioning why, and won't let me access my reward points that I have available. It's pretty annoying and at one point I would have gave them a 4 star because they use to be great with their surveys and responses back. But somethings changed and I don't like it all.
Sarah Middleton
The app conveniently stops giving you surveys right before you hit enough points to cash out, even though it showed plenty available before that I had not attempted. 2 days and no new surveys even though it states "new surveys launching daily!". don't waste your time
Michele Ferrare
the surveys are all very easy to understand. you have the choice to choose the ones you want or don't want to do. so how quickly you earn your points or rewards is totally up to you. the support staff is always there to help whenever you need. can't think of a better way to earn gifts then truthfully answering questions whenever your just sitting around do nothing why not get paid.
I loved this company for years but it's been more than 3 months since I've gotten a survey. My profile is up-to-date and I have turned on a ticket which I never heard anything back on. The daily poll updates may be once a month.
Andy Quek
not bad site to take surveys, and accumulate points, surveys not being recorded is very low compared to other sites but survey frequency can be improved along with the points per survey. sometimes survey are very long for little points but they did improve the cash out reward system and included paypal! Kudos! Keep it up!:)
Danya O'Malley
This app can be difficult to use. There's no back button so if you make a mistake you can't change it, and sometimes the surveys disappear. This AM I had three surveys, I picked one, answered one questions and realized I made a mistake. I backed out, and that survey and the other two are gone. No surveys for today. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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