Cairo ICT

Official App for Cairo ICT

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 244)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very useful application
  • Easy to use
  • Smooth registration process
  • Good user interface and navigation
  • Works well after updates
  • Registration issues and errors
  • App crashes frequently
  • Bookmarks and agenda features not working
  • Confusion with password requirements
Most mentioned
  • Registration problems and internal errors
  • User interface and ease of use
  • Functionality after updates
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.17
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rahma Elsayed
Very useful App And THE ICT Is just an amazing experience
Ali Ramadan
Great app, easy to use and helpful
Khaled Yousry
Very useful application, smooth registration which helped streamline the exhibition entry process via the QR code feature. I wish all exhibitions (Cars, Furniture, ..) have similar apps it make life easier for visitors I was able to locate all information regarding Exhibitors, Speakers & Facilities with ease. The application was responsive, the user interface is elegant, and navigation to required info was intuitive. Excellent job
Probabilty Wave
Well organized and simple registration process
Mahmoud Holah
Easy to use with simple steps to get a ticket as a QR code
Ma Moh
Nice application & good idea but after I used bookmark suddenly stopped I tried to open agenda several times but no response
Ahmed Alaa
It's baaaad application , please fix the alignment of the notifications . Date and time is not in the right place in the notification area
Mohammed Hassan
I had registered on website before app release and when app released tried to login but it does not work, also tried to register a new account from app it self, after I fill all data even select a profile photo, the register button does not work at all and nothing happen, my phone is Huawei Mate 30 Pro 5G edition, and it is loaded with GMS as well.
Ahmed Hathout
I downloaded the final version today and I get the message "internal error" when trying to sign up.. If What's the use of registration on website if I still need to sign up on mobile??? And without passwords!
Mohamed Ismail
I registered on the website and it didn't require a password but the app requires one. Tried signing up again from the app but it says the email already exists
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