Field Promax 2

Field Promax 2 is a ‘work order management’ software solution

Total ratings

2.80 (Rating count: 22)
See reviews for Field Promax 2 on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 2.80

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Date Author Rating Comment
Camera doesn't work and can't zoom in on pictures
Samuel Berridge
Tracks location when you're off the clock Stores passwords insecurely and emails you the password in plaintext I'd you forgot it
Irfan Ansari
The app is so good. It has helped better manage our growing business in a short period of time.
Baekhyun Park
This software is a game changer. Field Promax Mobile App is so easy to use and saves a lot of time on the run.
James Anderson
Using this software from long time now. It is really amazing and improve my interaction with customers too.
A Google user
A lot to be desired. The estimating setup in a deal breaker
A Google user
I have been using this app for a while. today I logged on and they tried to make me pay. very disappointed they never said anything about payment in the beginning. would not download!!!
A Google user
The "location tracking" being on even though you sign out and hit "close all apps" is Orwellian and not good. You shouldn't have to go through your phones settings and do "force stop" in order to disable tracking .
A Google user
Blank white screen. App does not load
A Google user
Secondary work order status drop down menu no longer has option for waiting on customer, waiting on parts... can you guys fix that issue please