Investtech Technical Analysis

Investtech does technical analysis of stocks, analyse trends, signals, indices

Total ratings

3.73 (Rating count: 305)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides comprehensive technical analysis of stocks
  • Offers useful educational resources and investment recommendations
  • Helps users gain a better understanding of investments
  • Daily updated analyses with key technical indicators
  • Good for stock market analysis and potential investment gains
  • Delayed updates for stock data and analyses
  • Does not adequately cover the cryptocurrency market
  • Issues with displaying the top 20 stocks
  • Requires multiple subscriptions for app and website
  • Not suitable for specific markets (e.g., BD Stock market)
Most mentioned
  • Delayed updates and outdated information
  • Need for improved features and more analysis options
  • Subscription confusion and costs
  • Lack of depth in cryptocurrency insights
  • Desire for additional chart features like candlesticks
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.73
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27% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
homosexual biological male
add watching ads , allow free use or 1 ad watched 10 minutes use , or 1 ad watched for 1 curency watched etc
Lucia Phapang
Investtech is a company specializing in technical analysis of stocks, providing research-based investment recommendations and educational resources to assist traders and investors in making informed decisions. Services and Features: Technical Analysis Reports: Investtech offers daily updated analyses of various stocks, including key technical indicators such as Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), pivot points, and moving averages.
prof. Ceward
This application and its site cooperate with brokers and give wrong signals to create liquidity. For example, check Bitcoin and Dogecoin signals, now. They are liars
yogesh joshi
please add 7/12/30 day stock trading range abd target price.
I am amazed when I found investtech website in Google search after I install the app . I m searching above 1 year a website or app those give me stock chart with trendline support line rectangle channel ITC I found finviz but I m retail trader . Before 2 days when I found investtech I m amazed because this is fullfill my all requirements and I m highly addicted this app wow this app is hidden gold .
Good but more improves are needed.
Jamal Hossain
This App is not for BD Stock market. Sorry, I'm leaving.
harshal Bartakke
education purpose voice good
Mustapha Yusuf
I think this App. is not deep in Cryptocurrency (and it should) because in the App. ETH is -2% while it's already hit +4% on Binance and not updating regularly.
Anoop Goyal
I took the Top 20 deal. It updates the next day FOR the previous day! So for example, it is 6 july today, it should show the Top 20 for 6 july BEFORE the market opens but it shows 5 july for date even after the market is open. So that's one-day-old information.
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