Reviews of Match Me! 3D: 3D Match Game

List of user reviews and ratings for Match Me! 3D: 3D Match Game

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 3,042)

Review summary

  • Colorful graphics
  • Challenging gameplay with multiple items to match at once
  • Ability to earn rewards for other games
  • Excessive ads that interrupt gameplay
  • Ads appearing in the middle of levels
  • Long ad durations that can freeze the game
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive advertisements
  • Game crashing or freezing due to ads
  • Frustration with ad breaks during gameplay
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Match Me! 3D: 3D Match Game on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 4.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
The graphics are colorful. Their placements to lift for matching is not difficult. Additional items are placed with each level. The matching is time filling but the objects do not always respond to the lift. You may find yourself skipping one object for last because of this happening.
Caleb Dufresne
Sometimes gives you ads in the middle of a level with no warning. Also, what's the point of offering additional rewards for watching an ad if youre going to always give an ad at the end of a level anyways? The ONLY reason I play this game is to get rewards in am entirely different game.
Yelena pease
This game is supposed to be relaxing and relive stress, but honestly its way more stress inducing than anything. With the timer, the scores that mean nothing, and the fact that there are way too many objects to match.. after you get comfortable with the stress its straight up boring and pointless. Would not recommend, only installed to get gems for another game
Kendra Settle
Cute but gets boring. Issue with the game is that it charged me anyway for AD free when I said no. These Ads don't bother much. Update: Received email explaining they had to charge me for the game to keep it "free". That makes no sense! I am disputing with Google Play against you.
Irony 405
Fun game disappointing practices, The game isnt some huge story driven tale with tons of stuff going on..... IT DOESNT NEED A DAMN AD BREAK MIDGAME. Quit being some damn pitiful that you wont allow someone to finish a match..... 5 minutes.... Tops but you all cant refrain from throwing that extra irritant mid game while you require someone to focus. If you need mid game ads honestly go back to the deawing board and come up with a better idea.
A Hernandez
This game started out fun, and I didn't mind the ads, until the ads became increasingly intrusive as the levels increased. Their $10 fee to remove ads is higher than other nearly identical games, and with ads popping up multiple times in the middle of every game, sometimes within seconds of each other, I've found this game to be unplayable. Don't bother installing this game, pick another!!
Brenda Cuellar
SO MANY ADS! The game itself is satisfying but an ad will play literally in the middle of my game and it's so frustrating. Then there's an ad between each game. I'm only continuing to play because I can earn $ for another game I play
Lisa Sorenson
Ads are ridiculous. I've had 5-6 ads pop up WHILE I'M PLAYING a 7-min level. Messes w/your concentration. These aren't short ads. I just had one that was over a minute long. I'm playing this to earn extra points for another game. Once I reach the next level, I'm deleting it. I keep a lot of games I install to earn points for another game but this was my deal breaker. Also have had ads that freeze up when I'm almost done with the level and I lose everything having to start over. 🤬
So I'm sure everyone has seen this game's annoying ads everywhere. I only installed bc an app I like much better had a deal for playing this game. But it's so bad? Like, gameplay's okay, I guess, but literally the first level was level 3? I'd never played this before, is there just no 1 or 2? Why?? And then the interruptive ads are awful, of course, but then it has the sheer. F*ing. TEMERITY. To put ads in the middle of a level? HA! Absolutely inexcusable. Guess no rewards for me bc no thanks.
Molly H.
This game is pretty fun to play. I like that you can fit multiple items at once, instead of one pair. The timer makes the game more challenging and makes sure you don't spend too much time on the level. The only thing that made me lower my rating is the fact of having so many ads. I just want to play non-stop, but ads keep popping up every level. Other than that, the game is great and I know you are trying your best to fix it!
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