Reviews of Freedom Leisure

List of user reviews and ratings for Freedom Leisure
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bookings don't show up in 'my bookings' and the app doesn't tally with the leisure centre ie telephone bookings (booking by phone because the app is unreliable (for silver swim at least)
Jonathan Ryder
Pretty terrible app - I can't even set up my account having just joined as a monthly member. The password doesn't work, it doesn't recognise my email address when I ask to reset my password, but if I try and set up a new account then it tells me my email address is already taken...
Jack Bevan
Unable to book two things if they overlap even by 10 minutes (if a class finishes just gone 6, I cannot book something from 6 til 7)
Jimmy O'Connell
not easy to use, a mess. No password on registration, can't get in to apt
Diana Craddock
It won't load booking page. Dreadful. By the time it's loaded, the classes are full.
Andrea Cortes
Serious problem with the whole IT system. Needs urgent attention as no one can see account history - so cannot see what classes are booked. Unable to cancel classes either, and absolute shambles since the upgrade!!
Rachael Platt
App doesn't work, haven't been able to book a class online for many weeks. Website booking doesn't work either.
claire brown
If it worked consistently it would be great! Often have to open my bookings 4 or 5 times before it opens properly. Class time table is much easier to navigate than class bookings - ideally they would be the same and you'd click on and book rather than have to find it in a different section. Also when you do book a class it scrolls right back to the start of the list so you have to go all the way through to continue where you were looking
Edd Archer
Continually gives a "Service Unreachable Could not reach the service please try again later" message when trying to log in. Tried using WiFi and 5g little to no help within the app.
Sharron Bell
This app is not user friendly and is difficult to navigate around and book classes.
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