Reviews of Inka Video Player - MP4 Player

List of user reviews and ratings for Inka Video Player - MP4 Player

Total ratings

3.53 (Rating count: 10,396)

Review summary

  • Allows watching certain dramas and kdramas like 'King the Land'.
  • In some instances, the app has performed well for a short time.
  • Frequent glitches and errors while trying to play videos.
  • Issues with videos failing to load or taking a long time.
  • Missing functionality for casting to TV.
  • Episodes are sometimes removed, making it hard to watch entire dramas.
  • Difficulties with language options (not available in English for all users).
Most mentioned
  • Glitches and errors during playback.
  • Issues with videos not loading.
  • Missing casting functionality.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Inka Video Player - MP4 Player on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.53
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Date Author Rating Comment
ethio beautiful
Demonic Cultivation
It no longer gives the chance to cast to a tv, I'm not sure why.
A veces tiene muchos fallos pero puedo ver king the land en español y amo eso, thanksssss💗🌷
Leslie Chapa
Not all dramas work episode 1 on Revenge of others says delete
Yessica Lobo
El problema es que, casi siempre me sale: Error al decodificar el enlace y no me sale el video.
Camila Durán
Los videos no cargan nunca o tardan una eternidad. No sirve. Además es mentira la opción de transmitir a la TV nunca me aparece la opción.
Sofia Roxenstål
Does not work, trying to watch doramas and it tell me it is not install
Valia Estabridis
I have to re-download in multiple occasions because the app says that "it's been deleted" altho it is really because the app it's not functioning properly
Marilyn Cruz
It doesn't play the video.
Ivonne Altagracia Rivas solis
It's a good it just sometimes the episodes are eliminated and you can't watch it so it's sad because you really love the drama and have to miss a episode just because it's eliminated or be downloaded
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