Workout Planner & Gym Trainer

Achieve your fitness goals with a personalized workout tracker and gym trainer.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 8,407)

Review summary

  • Wide variety of exercises and customization options
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Tracks progress effectively
  • Good for planning workouts ahead of time
  • Affordable one-time purchase option
  • Frequent ads are disruptive
  • Lack of certain features like exercise editing and exporting workouts
  • Recent updates have introduced bugs and diminished quality
  • Limited predefined workouts available
  • Developer responsiveness is questionable
Most mentioned
  • Customization of workouts and exercises
  • Tracking progress and performance
  • Ease of use
  • Issues with ads and recent updates
  • Desire for more predefined workouts and better export options
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.58
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Date Author Rating Comment
William Hernandez
Good app but the ads come up way too often. It has some great features but too many ads. Been a user for years but it's too much now.
Henrique Alves
During the exercise it lacks some functions like editing, quick switch (between the whole database). To add an exercise it also lack information like the option to choose body weight, and the image importer doesn't work (yes, I gave permission to access my pictures). And $12/week is insane!
Niklas Bardor
But please change the icon back aha, love the app, just not the icon. And maybe allow me to export created workouts to friends that have the app? The only app that gives you full control, variable rest periods, switching exercises temporarily mid workout, programming your own things, and so much more. ONLY thing I would change, is for app to do the math when switching from lbs to kgs, and not just changing the label
Ivan Milovanov
Used to be the best. Since it had been sold to "Cards," The bugs keep piling up and the devs don't care, despite the replies here in this review section. There is at least one better alternative out there that's also way more affordable. I'm switching to that one. Too bad, I had a great run with Hercules for over 6 years. I recommend anyone reading this to just look for another app which respects its customers. Edit: I did write to the "team" and they never replied.
Rusty Metal Head
I've been using this app for almost 3 years and I couldn't recommend it more. A wide variety of exercises, grouped by muscle group, a thematic leveling up system and the ability to structure your workout however you wish. I would love to see an option to pair with Google health.
Nicole Lovely
Excellent app!! Decided to buy the one time fee and it's going great and helps motivate me to stay on track with my daily routines. Love that I can create supersets and create my own workouts. Also love the option of uploading photos. Great app to keep my workouts organized by body part.
The app is great! I just used it for the first time today and it's spot on for my daily workout records. There's a lot of features and fairly easy to navigate. I also love that we can create a ton of customizable exercises. The app is affordable too so I bought the app in a jiffy. I'm not a fan of the 7 day trial but buying was worth it. Highy recommended for workout junkies out there! Suggestion: I hope the dev would update the exercises catalog in the app because there's only a handful.
A Google user
This app is user-friendly and easily adjustable to fit my needs. I can readily change the weights and times for and order of each exercise, and it nicely keeps track of my progress.
A Google user
Such a great workout app. First downloaded it in 2017 and used it for a year. Now in 2019 im trying it again. Loved it like the first time I used it. One great cardio addition would be a punching bag/heavy bag workout. Simply research the amount of calories burned per minute on a light, medium, heavy punching basis and it'd be good to go. I constantly recommend it to friends and family. Thanks!
A Google user
Great app. Allows you to create a totally customized workout plan. You can also track your progress and set goals for your next workout. I tried a bunch of different similiar apps and this one is in my opinion by far the easiest to use and understand, as well as having everything I wanted.
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