Infor Go

The Infor Go mobile application allows for a synchronized enterprise experience.

Total ratings

1.59 (Rating count: 472)

Review summary

    • App frequently crashes and is non-functional after updates
    • Difficult and unintuitive user interface, making navigation challenging
    • Persistent issues with logging in, including PIN requirements that cause lockouts
    • App frequently logs users out and requires reauthentication
    • App shows a black screen or fails to load necessary information
    Most mentioned
    • App does not work after updates
    • Frequent crashes and bugs
    • Difficult navigation and user interface
    • Issues with logging in and staying logged in
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Infor Go on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 1.59
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    Rating filters

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    3% (1)
    1 star
    97% (28)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    marvin barnhill
    worse app I have tried to use says administrator has closed session android says it has a bug
    Jennifier Mendez
    App doesn't work as it should shows white screen or bounces back and forth in app
    Oreo Speedwagon
    App used to work fine. But after a recent update, it just refreshes every 2 seconds. Absolutely useless as is.
    Charmaine Stewart
    Tech seems very outdated and not at all user friendly. Very difficult to navigate. Cannot customize. Cannot view necessary information. Would rate lower if I could
    Stephen Waldo (Waldo)
    Terrible app. A definite regression from our previous payroll app (Kronos). Meant for 9-5 office work, not 24 hour businesses. No one was allowed to train on it until it was live, now we see why. Also crashes and needs reinstall and rescan of company QR code every time it gets updates. Can't believe our employer decided on this company or platform.
    John Baker
    I use this app to check my time. It had problems, they updated it, now it does not work at all. Thanks.........,.....
    Chris Colvard
    I have to update my benefits through the app, and the interface is the least user-friendly I've ever seen. I have to go into work to change it on my day off.
    Missy Riley
    app won't run after update in October. it is difficult to navigate. does not make it easy to see total hours on pay period
    Alan Chapman
    Absolute trash. My work uses this app and it's nothing but problems.
    Nicolas Sherman
    Previously had this app on my older phone (Google Pixel 7) and it worked perfectly fine until I upgraded my phone (to a Google Pixel 9). I can't even use the app anymore like I use to. The app would open up and act as if it is working but once it gets to a certain point to where it always ends up on a black screen and sometimes I would get a application prompt about the app no longer being able to respond so I have to either close it out or do nothing with it
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