IndiaCharts - Stock Analysis

Get daily analysis & market news on Indian stock market with Elliott Wave theory
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Date Author Rating Comment
Deepak Kumar
Their views change everytime , they change their wavecount. So don't expect accuracy from them. Accuracy level is not good as expected.
Saibaal Banerjee
It is crashing on Android platforms. For the paid subscribers it is an unwanted glitch.which needs to be fixed sooner than later
vikram vasudeva
Has been working ok for the last year or so. Since yesterday it doesn't open, just crashes and closes. Pls fix the issue
K shah
Since 17k , IC is in bear mode, underestimated nifty and stuck to old theory but probably time has changed and so does chart moves. Missing out A 1500 point rally is nothing but gross inaccuracy and wrong judgement.
alakh kumar
Unable to open any notification. When try to open app crashes. I can not open any post to read in app. I complained to the given email id but no response. Rating is only for app not for content.
Good informational App. App experience is a bit edgy. While we open any listing in the stocks option and come back to the stocks page by pressing the back button it starts from the starat not from the point where we scrolled down to - big hassle.
Mohit Aggarwal
No words are enough for Rohit's analysis. He is The Master. Technology wise, App is easy to operate and very well organized. Instant updates always shared.
Poojan Patel
No option to delete your account. If you create an account they will forever keep your data. So much for Data privacy.!!
Android Android
I am unable to login when using Desktop ... My friend also wanted to join., but he is unable to create a username and login through computer... While App does not seem to have a problem, why does it have problems when using computer. Kindly look into this ASAP
Sabi Jazzy
Excellent analysis and very good app and it's really helpful for deep knowledge gethering about India market as well as world markets and also currency and commodity as well I feel it's very helpful tool should try for it ,if u are new in market
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