IMDb: Movies & TV Shows

IMDb — the world’s most popular source of movie, TV, and celebrity information

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 945,329)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Extensive movie and TV information including cast, plot, and streaming options
  • Long-running reputation as a reliable source for movie and TV information
  • User-friendly search features for finding movies, shows, and actors easily
  • Scroll position is lost when navigating back from details to lists
  • Frequent connectivity and loading issues
  • Overwhelming ads that disrupt the user experience
  • Inconsistent notification functionality and spammy prompts
Most mentioned
  • Scrolling issues when navigating back in lists
  • Connectivity problems leading to inability to load content
  • Overabundance of ads making the app cumbersome
  • User interface concerns and bugs affecting usability
  • Error messages like 'Inconceivable!' preventing access to app features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.44
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26% (10)
Date Author Rating Comment
Quito Banogon
Navigation needs fixed! Whenever I scroll thru a list (E.g. Watchlist), and then tap a title to view its detail page and then try to return to the list, I'm brought to the very top position in that list, and then I have to repeatedly scroll to find where I left off. I would expect it to automatically return me to the same position I was in that list, so that I don't have to manually find where I left off. The IOS app version works much better.
Demetrius B.
IMDb is setting the standard. Most apps are fair to moderately good i.m.h.o. However, IMDb is a cut above, in a class by itself. . I appreciate any question I have regarding a movie/TV show from plot to cast, director, shooting locations, and more its ALL in IMDb. In 25+ years of referencing via IMDb it's consistently, reliably accurate. Plus, when I look up a TV show or movie IMDb lets me know what platforms it's streaming on too. IMDb is 👍
Johnny McDobbsy
Been using IMDb for decades. Not sure why you designed the new nav bar to dim when scrolling down/brighten when scrolling up, but it's janky AF. ½ the time if you stop scrolling, it starts flashing & flickering like sh¡++y Xmas lights, and for w/e reason you EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY changed the shape of icons themselves? Also, please change the square & checkmark around favorited actors back 2 yellow! All in all, I'm very grateful for all your work, now pls just leave it alone for a while. Sheesh.
Gwendolyn Orgel
Uninstalling finally after having it for ages because I'm sick of connectivity issues. I have full service and am on wifi, there is ZERO reason I should be looking at none of the content I searched for and instead a dozen grey boxes and an ADVERTISEMENT. If you can load the ad, you can load the content. And when I switch to the browser to go to the website and try that? It opens this BROKEN app! And I still can't see jack!
Karen Talaski
Help! Suddenly, I can't add actors or shows to my favorites. The error message says the app is unable to save it. I uninstalled & reinstalled the app three times to no avail. What's happening, please? Otherwise, I love the app. It is my go-to app to find out about new movies, TV shows, & cast & crew information. I recommend IMDB to all my friends.
Tavis Highfill
So glitchy. It loads one element at a time, and it takes about 300 years for a full page to be complete. When I try to tap on a link, a new element suddenly appears above it, and throws all the content down, which makes me tap on the wrong link. If you can't load everything all at once, at least load the SPACE where it's going to end up, so nothing moves unexpectedly.
Jason McKenzie
I'm a cinephile of the highest order lol. This is a go-to app for me. I'm constantly looking up actors, films, and shows. Whenever you have an instance of "Where do I know that actor from?" you can easily find the answer here. And I love the feature that tells you on what service a given movie or show can be streamed. It saves so much time not having to go into each individual app and checking.
James Michael Morton-Irwin
People in these ratings claim this app doesn't work or is glitchy- I have not found an issue and I use the app on both Android and iOS devices. I gave this app one star because: "TURN on NOTIFICATIONS?" There is a setting you configure to allow notifications and a toggle switch underneath your "Watchlist" section. App still spams me asking to turn on notifications as I'm rating movies/shows to improve recommendations. ANNOYING and disrespectful. Stop it. I said no. Aside from that flawless.
It is faster to go on a web browser and use the site over using the app. The ads alone make the app useless, not to mention how glitchy it is. Outside of all that, the platform as a whole has gone downhill over the last few years. It puts the info people come for below a ton of ads and links that no one wants or uses.
Kristijan Mihajlovski
Cannot describe how annoying it is that when you go back from something you opened in the app it returns you to the top of the page instead of where you stopped scrolling before. The app is loaded with interesting information but it's a zero in terms of user interface. Needs redoing to live up to its full potential.
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