English Speech Practice

Enhance your English speaking skills with interactive practice sessions.

Total ratings

4.51 (Rating count: 14,326)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users find the app potentially capable of earning money through activities.
  • A few reviews appreciate its gameplay and engagement.
  • Many users report issues with cashing out and delayed payments.
  • Multiple users describe the app as a scam or fake.
  • Users are frustrated with the excessive advertising and requirements to earn points.
Most mentioned
  • Pending payments and withdrawal issues.
  • Claims of the app being a scam.
  • Difficulties in earning points and cashing out rewards.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.51
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Date Author Rating Comment
Pearl Dela Cruz
Try this new games,more fun and hope my payment will be cash out soon Not good..this is fake..dont install Its a only a propaganda..to put 5 star to tell people by get paid.but when u rate already 5 it it cannot open the app Its only ads,to more dpwnlod by ads Waste of time and worst app Fake!!
Abdur Rahman
Great system. Here iam using this app. This app is harmful. We should taken it. here online benefits place at no investment. Its unemployment developed in my opninion. Here round is the best anywhere and anytime. here is a step by step game playing. They are hard nud to cruck.
Irfan Zaffer
Just time pass game and it's totally fake game I think they not give money . I have facing withdrawal issue now please help me I withdrawal 5$ in my jazz account last 2 week but it's showing me still pending why ??? If you not pay on jazz cash account so why you show there option of jazz account ??? I want answer thanks .
Rowena Tuso
My payment is still pending for almost a month. And their telegraph is still muted. Waste of time and effort. I thought this is a legit paying app..😥
A Pinch Of Salts
It seems like this app would not redeem our withdrawal. As I work more than a month but can't exceed my payment from 0. Points are converted into point zero revenue. It's totally a waste of time.
Joe Parts
I give 1 star because it's so very hard to get points then always logging you have to invite in order to get more dollar cents i've decided to uninstall this because this is all about more invitation..im wasting my time this kind of apps.
Merrade Remo
I hope the ads is make it shortly.. The game is log and game say that i have add 0.4, but when i push ok it says that no adds so its not process . Wasting of time 😤 i can't get may rewards. Always pending its almost a month. 2 months na ndi nyo pa nabibigay reward.. this is scam.
Noimaj Thotz
Totally another FAKE App.... I have already submitted payout request 5 days ago and never received anything on papyl. Please fix this, thank you Edit: I think the reward will never be given to us users, I even joined in the telegram, but still nothing received....
Mart Angelo Villanueva
This app is legit scam. It's been 3 months since my last payout but it is still pending. Dont even try to download the app. Its a waste of time. They will never pay you. Again, it is a SCAM
Cyanz Prime
I've been using this app for a month now and i have almost reached the minimum withrawal. But i have to give them 5 stars before i can actually withraw. Not sure if this app will really pay me though.
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