Denon Universal Remote

Denon Universal Remote App is easy to configure by following two step guideline.

Total ratings

3.36 (Rating count: 1,512)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well with older Denon receivers
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Successfully controls devices without extensive permissions
  • Intrusive and annoying advertisements
  • Crashes on startup or closes unexpectedly
  • Limited functionality for devices without IR capability
Most mentioned
  • Annoying advertisements
  • App crashes or closes frequently
  • Effective control of Denon devices
See reviews for Denon Universal Remote on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.36
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Date Author Rating Comment
Emilio Posadas
I'd give this 6 stars if I could. This app straightout works, no BS, no special permissions, no endless loading screens trying to find a device in the network. It just works as any remote control would.
Dave Wright
This app will download a bunch of spam ads that are hard to turn off and remove.
Vlad-Constantin Stoian
it's working! well done team! Still after using it some time it's just sad you can't buy a non ad version of this app.
Worked - did what it claimed to do. Obviously my phone has an IR function, which was news to me 😉 However the sequence and timing of the Advertisments are so incredibly annoying that I am going to uninstall it.
Dave Harton
Just don't! Virtually impossible to bypass the intrusive full screen video ads on install and uninstall And wouldn't work with my phone in any case...
Matthew Church
Spammed with ads, does not work with phones that don't support IR. Useless.
Nitesh Mistry
Starts off with annoying advertisements, there are a few before you get to the actual app screen. Does not support phone that do not have IR capability. Cannot connect via bluetooth. Not recommended.
mihnea popescu
It would be perfect if you could see in the app the level of the volume, not just + and -
Christopher Nalley
Controls my 1513 perfectly. Would like if I could customize the layout to my liking.
Alexandre Fajardo
Work on my old Denon receiver. Just tested for turn on, off and volume but its enough for me. Thanks.
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