Reviews of Interpreter Intelligence

List of user reviews and ratings for Interpreter Intelligence

Total ratings

2.62 (Rating count: 30)
See reviews for Interpreter Intelligence on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.44
All time rating average: 2.62

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56% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Francisco Quintanar
The app itself lacks necesary features, doesnt let you see scheduled appointments for the month only per day, no notifications nothing.
Adrian De Los Rios
Glitchy, very glitchy. SYNC function no longer works; signatures have a ton of issues
Judy Lam
Very glitchy and lacks necessary features. Scheduled jobs mysteriously disappear from the app and only reappear after uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. (This has happened to me twice in the last 2 weeks.) There's also no feature that lists all of your upcoming jobs on one screen. Having to check by each date is very cumbersome.
Hunter Holguin
This app doesn't allow for notifications, which would be huge both for getting requests as well as for being reminded about what jobs are on the schedule. That, along with the incapability with multiple tokens (as a freelancer I have to log in and out of this app every time I'm switching to verify each of my appointments), it'd be really nice to have all of the agencies and appointments on one wall, and not have to log in and out a whole bunch of times, especially when I don't have web access.
Kristal Aguilar
Doesn't work in basement appt always slow, constantly have to log off and back in, also the signiture box sometimes it picks up signture other times not even a scrible it's delayed if you lifted finger it won't take the rest of signture. The only thing it does send information to get paid! and the travel bones extremely low.
Hh Khhk
Het app werkt niet echt soepel.
Daniel Solomon
I am unable to login
Liz Mejia
So complicated.
Maegan Walden
Could have a lot more features available. Buggy app.