ThermoPro Sensor

A Bluetooth intelligent thermometer software

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 4,647)

Review summary

  • Accurate temperature and humidity readings.
  • Convenient for checking external temperatures without using a weather app.
  • User-friendly interface, easy to read and navigate.
  • Good customer service.
  • Persistent notification issues and consents to location access.
  • Inability to export data or download historical data.
  • Limited functionality regarding chart displays and details.
  • Bluetooth connectivity problems, including update failures.
Most mentioned
  • Bluetooth connectivity issues.
  • Problems with persistent notifications.
  • Lack of export data functionality.
  • Location access required for app functionality.
  • Frustration with chart data updates and visibility.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.63
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Date Author Rating Comment
Chad โ€œWrekโ€ Kovac
I don't know why the app requires network access nothing about this thermometer should require access to my Wi-Fi network or location or any of that stuff but for some reason the app requests all this access to all these different services that it has no business with and the thermometers don't work if you don't grant it access to the app... I mean they work you just can't see any of the history or anything The graphs they're all hidden.. also why can't I just download the data?
Cameron Liyan
very accurate for the price. the software works well. it's not the best looking, but at least it works on demand, which is more than what can be said for most other temperature and humidity sensors on the market. having older data is a great feature. the charts can be zoomed in, which once you get used to it, can't go back.
Tony B
App doesn't hold the chart data available unless you update. Now it won't update most of the time and show the charts it only shows the current temperature and humidity. Very frustrating as it it is the chart data that I need. I have never been able to export the data either. Very frustrating ๐Ÿ˜ž to use.
Zach Davis
Update May 2024: It's been months and there's still been no update to fix the display. Original Review January 2024: Latest update messed with the overall layout of the app, now it's not using the full screen to display and there are vertical black bars on the sides, like it's been scaled down to fit instead of utilizing the full resolution of the display. Please either revert the display change, or add an option in the settings to use the full display again.
Lisa Wendell
I am well within the allowed bluetooth distance range, but everytime I go to check the temperature, in the greenhouse, with Bluetooth it tells me update failed! The whole reason I bought this is to keep track of the greenhouse temperature and humidity while I'm not in the greenhouse. I'm pretty disappointed!
Austin C
Pretty decent. Decent enough that I have considered getting another one, actually. It's convenient to always have an accurate way of checking the temp and conditions outside of my door without looking at a weather app. plus, with enough analytical data, you can pick up patterns of weather around you to predict future weather events. It's a nice amenity to have for the home!
William R
The app works well, but has some odd limitations. For example, on the 24-hr chart display you can use two fingers to expand the time scale and look at detailed temperature data, but you can't do it at all on the one-week or one-year charts, where it would be needed more. As soon as 24 hours pass, you can't see any of the detail, so it is not really useful as a monitoring device. I also haven't found any way to download the temperature data, so it's more of an entertainment device really.
Charlie Hautman
Last update seems to have broken it. I no longer get the prompt to allow Bluetooth and it never connects to the device. Still trying to troubleshoot. I have tried everything now. Uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it will not connect with the device. (TP359). I can do bluetooth pairing directly from Android so the device is fine. It's the app that is broke.
Rachel Staley
Useless App - Doesn't Alert We bought the thermometer because we're about to have a baby and our duplex is old with poor heating, cooling, and insulation. I was excited about the alert feature that would notify us if it got too cold or too hot where she's sleeping. But the app only alerts you when you open it, NOT whenever the temp goes beyond your set range. So it may have been 10 or 15 degrees outside of your range for hours, but it doesn't tell you unless you open the app. Totally useless.
Alexander Wolf
So the complaints about the persistent notification are very valid. I HATE persistent notifications. And clicking it doesn't even open the app. I just turned off it's ability to send notifications. The app IS very bare bones. It should at least come with a widget to display the temp inside on your home screen, instead of having to open the app.
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