Reviews of Music Download MP3 Downloader

List of user reviews and ratings for Music Download MP3 Downloader

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 11,183)

Review summary

  • Free to use with no subscription fees
  • High-quality downloads available
  • User-friendly interface for finding and downloading music
  • Allows multiple downloads before ads appear
  • Most users find it has a broad music selection
  • Inability to transfer downloaded songs to other devices
  • Frequent ads that interrupt usage, especially when switching screens
  • Some users report difficulties in finding specific songs despite good general performance
  • Music is saved only within the app, not on the device
  • Issues with the app breaking or changing unexpectedly
Most mentioned
  • App is free to use
  • Quality of downloaded music
  • Presence of ads during usage
  • Ability to find and download songs easily
  • Limitations in transferring music and settings
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.56
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Rating filters

5 star
64% (14)
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14% (3)
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1 star
18% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
clifford weekes
Very good app
Almighty Ntuli
Very good app to download songs But not allowing to transfer songs to another phone
Summer Kent
Tbh I think this is one of the best free music downloaders I have ever downloade, being a broke college student I refuse to pay £12 for Spotify for ok music were this app is free and it gives you fifteen downloads before it givs you an ad whitch is grate do to having a litle brake when downing a bunch of songs and I like how it tells you, when the ad will play instead of just playing 10/10 wold recomend
amanda brinkhurst
This music app is OK but not the best. So far I have managed to find the songs I wanted to download. The only downside is you can't set them as a ringtone which is very disappointing
Bonolo Randara
So good for playing with some of the ads are just I just love it is
John Murray
Useless, search for a well known song, brings up nothing to do with that song.
Logan Waite
It was litterly perfect , watch 1 ad get 15 songs , no problem, But then YALL IDIOTS DECIDE hey let's ruin our app , with ads and we don't even get to download songs when we watch these ads
Salem Jones
Great app, the downloads are high quality and you only get ads when switching between screens.
George Lees
Nice music is a tiny bit confusing, but all in all, it's pretty good
it was really really good. perfect even. but then it randomly broke and wouldn't let me download music anymore so I was forced to delete and reinstall.. now it's a completely different app?? and only has free stock music?? did they get sued or something???
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