Clash of Lords 2: Битва Легенд

World of powerful heroes and epic battles await you in Clash of Lords 2!

Total ratings

4.27 (Rating count: 380,579)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good game optimization
  • Not only for spenders (non-donaters)
  • Interesting gameplay features
  • Language barrier (Russian version issues)
  • Bugs affecting gameplay
  • Balance issues and presence of cheaters
Most mentioned
  • Need for an English version
  • Gameplay bugs
  • Disbalance in character levels and matchmaking issues
See reviews for Clash of Lords 2: Битва Легенд on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 4.27
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Date Author Rating Comment
2223 2223
игра норм
Честно скажу: 1.Игра хорошая,оптимизация класс. 2.Есть баги,мешающие играть. 3.Игра не только для донатеров. 4.В игре встречаются читеры. 5.В игре присутствует дисбаланс. 6.Молодцы, вы востановили экономику в игре. 7.Советую забанить и сделать предупреждение тем,кто поддерживает рф и геноцид в Украине.(меняя свои никнеймы, добавляя в них рашисткие символы.). 8.Встречаются ошибки с переводами(неправильно переведён на русский язык: 1.активный и божественный навык анимы ласс 2.Награды в акциях).
Main Acc.
You idiots in the comments, download the eng Version. This is the russian version
Plz update it to an English version. I can't understand Russian and this is a terrible marketing strategy. Ppl are outraged at this strategy.
Robin Thomas
Can not under stand writing I don't like it been playing it a long time so sad I got to delete it
Marc McLaughlin
Clash of Lords game requires update, but now its requiring new non-english install.
Carmen Pinnell
whats up with russian we speak english dah
ali siahi
game made me update and now its russian
Artis Carodine
Im american i cant understand anything there should be a english verion as well
Mike Jones
All instructions in chinese
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