IELTS Listening

Learn and prepare for IELTS Listening and Speaking test

Total ratings

4.84 (Rating count: 1,119)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent free resource for English practice
  • Useful content for improving listening skills
  • Good explanations and tips for IELTS
  • Helpful for beginners and advanced users
  • Ability to connect with others for practice
  • Too many ads interrupting the learning experience
  • App crashes and freezes frequently
  • Some audio files fail to play
  • Premium version may cause errors upon access
  • Scores do not record accurately
Most mentioned
  • Too much ads
  • App freezing issues
  • Quality of content for listening practice
  • Errors in accessing the premium version
  • Helpful for practicing English skills
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.84
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57% (13)
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17% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Yassa Nagy
Excellent and free
Roberta Cromwell
After payment to access the premium version. I try to open the Pro version .the app tells me error
Sabeshan Chandramohan
Too much ads. You can't learn because of too much ads.
David Onyemenue
Quite an interesting and great app. However, the voice record of some questions are not playing. Please, kindly work on that area, but overall, it's a great app.
Victor Hernandez
I am NOT going to take the IELTS, I am just practicing English. But this app is very useful. I do not care about the tips for the IELTS test. The content is very useful. I highly recommend this app to practice English. :)
omar mongy (demolish-man)
Awsome app i hoped only that the full exam is continous so u can get the full experiance of a reall exam
Mercy Godwin
I like this app very well. Thanks for the explanations. Please if you can remove the promo, it will be okay. I don't have money to upgrade.
sailos dube
It's a very good app, very helpful but ads during learning session is definitely not a good one
Javiera Soto (Suli153)
I have been trying to practice for the IELTS exam and I thought this would be a good idea to improve my score in the listening Part... But I was wrong. I mean, the audios are ok, the App is ok too, but you cant send the answers lol. How are you supossed to See the answer if you cant send them? Thats sad.
excellent for free app with limited tests. The app freezes often and dies during cross checking between answers and questions. The UI is not suitable for mobile. The translate function is brilliant but turns out annoying when accidentally tab on it (easily for touchscreen phone) and should have put report buttom in case user find incorrect answer or unmatch audio which i found some.
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