Idle Dwarf Miner: Rich Tycoon

Guide dwarves to mine treasures, merge them to upgrade, dig to get all riches

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 31)
See reviews for Idle Dwarf Miner: Rich Tycoon on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.00

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40% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jessica Brown ('RYDER')
This game is ok. I'm not to big of it but it's ok for the kiddies I suppose... Pretty and nice background colors and items though.
Sami milly
Only has 10 levels so far...
Graham Gough
Only 10 levels
Laby Boruah
Didn't open to play
Melissa becker
Waiting on update still
Kaiden Fox
It's okay but it's really short and I'm about to uninstall since I can't do anything anymore. There are only ten levels. Uninstalling.
Tanya Fraser
When are you adding the next levels,i have gone as far as i can. I tried uninstalling but when i re-installed i was still as far as i could go is there anyway to reset game?
Benjamin Fuchs
It want go to the next valley
Angel Taylor
It would get a five star because I like the game but gonna uninstall because there is only 10 levels and I can't go any further.
Wilson Anderson (WilsonAnderson)
good games