Advanced EX for NISSAN

Monitor specific NISSAN parameters by adding this plugin to Torque Pro.

Total ratings

2.64 (Rating count: 284)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well for some users with specific vehicle models
  • Ability to monitor additional parameters like injector duty cycle and torque
  • Some users received refunds after issues
  • Developer responsive with updates to improve functionality
  • Limited compatibility with various Nissan models
  • Many users reported it added no new features compared to Torque Pro
  • No refund policy for many users despite dissatisfaction
  • Issues with PIDs not functioning or not available for certain vehicles
Most mentioned
  • Compatibility issues with multiple Nissan models
  • Lack of additional features compared to existing apps
  • Dissatisfaction with refund policies
  • Overall waste of money for many users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.20
All time rating average: 2.64
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65% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Only thing it added was injector duty cycle. For Nissan frontier with listed engine. Not worth the money. Garbage software. Their other app for remote access requires in app purchases. Sometimes app purchases don't travel with the app. This company has nothing to offer. I use torque all the time. These people exist to take money from people hoping for more features but doesn't deliver anything worthy.
Steve Clarkson
I've been running the torque Pro app for a while now. I was looking to get a little more information from the ELM 27 module. I purchased the app and tried it for 5 minute's and saw it wasn't compatible with my truck. I immediately deleted it and tried to get a refund and they do not offer any refund for anything. So it's a junk app that doesn't do anything it says it will. Please DO NOT BUY THIS APP. TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY...
Jasen Swick
No d41 nissan frontier with the 3.8l petrol engine option. Requested a refund after installing it
David Wooten
Useless, offered no extra info that torque pro didn't already have.
Midlandtuffknt 666
Doesn't work on my 4.8 patrol and unable to get a refund, total rip off
Justin Kline
On 2017 Infiniti qx80 with TorquePro I have used on my trucks in the past, only adds 0-60 time (yes like a stopwatch does) and not trans temp or oil temp. It does let you select the proper motor (Armada vq56de) in setup unlike the Infiniti plugin that only has v6 vehicles in setup, but neither has oil temp or trans temp for towing, refund worked on both plugins. Edit: It does add torque monitoring, so this could help with towing to keep torque away from max, if it is reporting correctly.
Adam Raynor
Could you please add support for the second gen Versa with the 1.6? I paid for this app and really want to like it so that would be great if you could add that... Thanks.
Peter Suumpi
I purchased but I did refund because it's not showing transmission fluid temperature.
László Kecskés
Doesn't worth to buy it. It hasn't added additional feature for Nissan Pathfinder 2007
A Google user
Not a single pid for my 2004 maxima active. Disappointed was hoping to see camshaft angles.
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