Advanced EX for HYUNDAI

Monitor specific HYUNDAI parameters by adding this plugin to Torque Pro.

Total ratings

2.46 (Rating count: 335)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Working with certain models to read ATF and engine oil temperatures
  • Some users found the app useful when it worked
  • Provides additional OBD-II PIDs for older vehicles
  • Many users report it does not support newer models or provide the expected data
  • Poor compatibility with listed vehicles, often leading to wasted money
  • The app lacks adequate predefined sets and clear instructions
Most mentioned
  • Does not work with all supported vehicles, particularly newer models
  • Email support for troubleshooting failed to respond
  • Refund issues reported by several users
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.46
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ken Roberts (Venture TW)
No engine data for santa fe 2010 engine is not liated abs info is not available either prwtty useless without those info
3 PIDs added for 2011 Elantra 1.8 MPI that did not work. Unable to refund.
Kamran A
Excellent app with the Advanced EX plug-in. I have the "pro" version of the Torque app and needed to read the ATF temperature for the level check after changing the fluid ... Purchased the Hyundai EX plug-in and was able to read ATF & Engine Oil Temp plus much more! Thank you! Had some issues running it at first. For those who can't get it to work, Select Advanced EX, Select your Car/Engine type. Then under Settings, Manage Extra PIDs/Sensors, and "Add Predefined Set".
Chris Armbruster
It's decent library of OBD2 PIDs don't expect to read any modules other than the ECU and possibly the Transmission controller. This doesn't allow torque to talk to any modules on the CANBUS like ABS or TCS
Julian Clothier
Just not able to get this plugin to work. I only require ATF Temp because I tow a caravan. Hyundai Santa Fe gen3. I get the green screen shown in pictures but does not connect or do anything. $10.00 wasted.
Ionut Dincu
Great plugin. Is there any chance of adding PIDs for newer Hyundai vehicles? I've got a 2023 Elantra (CN7) and unfortunately most PIDs that might have worked for older models don't return anything. Thanks!
ECU has fuel pressure sensor, this app has no predefined sets for Santa Fe with 2.0L Turbo on 2013 model. Poor instructions too. Had to watch a few YouTube videos to figure it out. Don't pay for this.
Michael Palomino
Downloaded to be able to see info on ABS and traction control sensors. Didn't really add anything extra to OBD II info. I should have known especially when the refund button showed up after loading it.
Chase McCrary
Do not buy. Does not do anything more then torque app already does. Does not allow you to monitor transmission temp like it says
Austin S. Warren
2 stars because after the recent update from torque, this plug in no longer shows up in torque
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