Advanced EX for FIAT

Monitor specific FIAT parameters by adding this plugin to Torque Pro.

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2.25 (Rating count: 214)
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Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 2.25
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Date Author Rating Comment
Antonio Luis
A few cars only
I wish... really wish... they'd add the 1.4 turbo used in our 124 Spiders and some of the 500's. That would make this app really useful and worth what I paid for it. Right now it feels like I have a gift card for a clothing store that doesn't sell anything that's my size. Please folks... get this truly updated with a 1.4 litre turbo engine option. It's a seriously large and hlaring missing.
Did not cover 2.4L model
Keefe Gonzalez
Doesn't support Fiat Abarth models and doesn't add very many PIDs or functionality for what it is. Didn't add any useful functionality for me.
Does not even lounch!
Anth Martin
Rubbish. Can't even reset the service coupon
Simon Kucharski
Works but has some PIDS that don't match the vehicle. 2012 Fiat 500 1 4L naturally aspirated HAS NO EGR VALVE so why the EGR DUTY PID? One thing that gave me trouble is FIAT LT APP: I had both FIAT LT AND EX INSTALLED, and LT interfered with the paid FIAT EX app. Had to uninstall LT for EX to work.
Alejandro Mery
disappointingly incomplete and out of date
Chris F
Great. Added automatic transmission temperature to use for fluid changes.
A Google user
Does not work.
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