Super Backup & Restore

The fastest data backup & restore tool on android! (Apps/Contacts/SMS/Call logs)

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 181,939)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effective backup for texts, call logs, contacts, and calendar.
  • User-friendly interface and operation.
  • Supports both rooted and non-rooted devices.
  • Restores backed-up data accurately on new devices.
  • Regular updates improve app performance.
  • Inconsistent performance of call recording feature.
  • Issues with backing up certain file types (.apks not recognized).
  • Ads can be misleading and intrusive.
  • Problems with automatic backups after recent updates.
  • Difficulty restoring data from Google Drive.
Most mentioned
  • Call recording not consistently working.
  • Backup and restore functions sometimes fail.
  • Ads appear to be deceptive.
  • Issues after updates affecting app performance.
  • Backup to cloud services has complications.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Caponord Adventure
Will not recognize a Samsung USB drive despite knowing the drive works perfectly. Read the data collection. This apps is collecting data it does not need to anyone for it to work. Then wait until the ads start that are designed to look exactly like part of the app. That looks like someone purposely designed the ads so that you click on them not knowing its an ad and not the app itself. I'm reporting this practice and as its manipulative and deceptive. Uninstalled it. Beware.
Peter Sing
I have been using this app for a few years now and it has been great - 5 stars. Today (Oct 2nd), it can no longer be selected as a background unrestricted app. What happened? (Running Android 14) Update Oct. 12 - noticed the version has reverted back to Sept. 18th. I had to uninstall and reinstall and now the app can be selected in the background, however, apk backup still doesn't work.
Chris Michaud
Since the recent update to the Google Play Store, which allows it to install up to 3 apps simultaneously, this app seems to have lost the ability to do automatic app backups. Guessing there is a compatibility issue with new Play Store functionality. If I install one app at a time, works as expected, but if I queue up multiple apps where it's installing more than one app at a time, it doesn't backup up anything. Could this please be addressed so that apps will backup automatically again?
I have the premium version and really glad that I do. However, the call recorder stopped working after there were 54 recordings and didn't give me any notification. I was on an important call and failed to record any of it. Very frustrating when this happens. They also don't bother to reply to these reviews.
Sara Be Be
Been using this app for years with great success. Unsure WHAT I might have changed, but app now denies ability to send backed up material to cloud or others -- a key function. Can't figure out WHY getting a message saying SENDING is blocked/ uninstalled! App SUPERB in converting texts to pdf, BUT doesn't incl pics & ORDER of texts is newest 1st, which hinders easy reading - have to begin on last pg. to read text flow well (wish could alter this!)
Andre R
Probably the most complete backup app of the store without root. Edit: Changed to 1 star because this app is dangerous. When restoring the calendar to a new phone, it re-sent all the past calendar meeting events from the last years. It spammed the entire company, e-mail groups and customers with hundreds of meeting invitations during the few minutes I had the phone turned on!
finster baby
Schedule to regularly save my contacts, text messages, call logs, calendar, and apks to my SD Card for safekeeping and in case I ever need to transfer to another phone. Don't use the feature to save to Google Drive or cloud for personal security reasons. It also stopped saving Chrome bookmarks ages ago, but mentions that fact. Works behind the scenes without my having to do anything.
Ada Wong
Developer(s): On Android 12, the manually created backup folder must be titled "SmsContactsBackup" (case sensitive) to a avoid duplicate sub-folder creation issue. Backing up all APKs still works, but APKs with ".APKS" as their extension are not listed under the "Archived" tab, though they exist. Skeptics: auto-backup of ALL newly installed APKs is a lifesaver if an update breaks your phone. Contacts saved in easy to use, human readable ".vcf" files. Great dropbox/"cloud" upload integration.
Mary B
It really works. I had backed up a bunch of my texts to Google Drive using this app some time ago and thought no more of it. When the time came that I needed a new phone, I lost my entire text history thanks to Google. I remembered the file I'd made, downloaded this app, and all the texts I had saved were loaded perfectly onto the new phone's messages app like it was the same device. I only wish I had had the sense to keep updating my backup! The app works great.
Jack Huster
This app works with both rooted and non-rooted phones. There is one odd thing I noticed though. Some apps are split apks. While this app backs them up, it doesn't seem to recognize them as archived. The apps then dont LOOK backed up and theres no .apks support. This means it can't find what it backed up to restore it and if it did, it cant restore them. .apks files need 3rd party apps to (re)install. The .zip format might be better? Also, it doesn't back up most system apps.
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