Empire Island: Tower Defense

Destroy dozens of enemies and become the true emperor of the lonely island!
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Timothy Briner
Loved this game as a kid and still do hopefully you remaster this at some point
Axel George
Its pretty epic and challenging
Ulac Ulac
The game is nice and the idea too, there are many building and upgrades. but it lacks the addictive details to make it more playable, shooting with each cannon or tower is really annoying, i wish they were automatic and they can shoot at the enemies by themselves, the lack of zoom also is pretty disturbing, the bottom UI needs to be resized because it is annoying me, the view needs more space in order to see what is going on, to be honest i uninstalled it, but if you update it send me
Ashish Kinge
This was a flash game, nostalgia. But cant save progress, controls not good