Monsters TD Strategy Game

Monstrous tower defense game for the real tacticians. Will you be able to win?
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Mikey Davenport
This game doesn't work on newer phones. It was amazing in it's prime.
Mike Cheel
The game takes about two thirds of the screen and the rest is gray. Basically wasted real estate. Everything is very small and hard to read. I'm not sure why they designed it like this. If it wasn't for this I would give a better rating. It's hard to play games when you need a magnifying glass to see things.
Froin Laeven
AMENDMENT! Devs Fixed the game & runs like a charm! Thanks team devs. END AMENDMENT! Opens the loading screen, even the flash loader is froze. I'd buy this game, only because I liked it on the Computer. This version doesn't work on a Samsung flagship device. If you want to play this game, use a FLA/FLV/SWF stand alone emulator, & get the original version on the web. This one is a disappointment to say the least.
Airñ Haz’rrd
★Great Game ON PC ★ WILL NOT OPEN ON SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 PLUS? (r u kidding me‽) -nope!
Steve H
The game no longer loads. Uninstalled and reinstalled and still no longer works. Mad because I like this game.