Reviews of Iberdrola Clientes

List of user reviews and ratings for Iberdrola Clientes

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 144,494)

Review summary

  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate.
  • Helpful features for tracking electricity usage and finding cheap hours for consumption.
  • Accurate usage statistics for environmentally conscious users.
  • No option to change the app language from Spanish to English.
  • Recent updates have caused compatibility issues and bugs, affecting the app's functionality.
  • Difficulty logging in and password management; users frequently report being logged out or unable to access their accounts.
Most mentioned
  • The lack of English language support in the app despite the ability to access information in English on the website.
  • Issues following updates, including bugs and loss of useful features like hourly usage display.
  • Problems with app compatibility on certain devices and difficulties in logging in.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.13
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Rating filters

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22% (7)
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44% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mick Peaper
Very easy to use and informative.
Good app but in this day and age you'd think you'd be able to change language.
Philip D Barlow
Only problem I have is I cannot get it in English, otherwise its great
Peter Duggin
The Latest version of this app is a downgrade from the previous version which showed hour by hour usage the current app does not display this very useful information.
deb stewart
Won't install on computer, only on phone, why can see better and do so much more when on computer. NOT GETTING BILLS VIA EMAIL EITHER.WHY?
Nike Mike
The app doesn't work in the uk, i conracted the customer service, but no help !
The latest update says the app is no longer compatible with my device...not very helpful!
rileygamer ye
Changed to iberdrola and downloaded the app, ow my is not compatible apparently?? Not a very good service for someone who does not feel the need to or does not have the money to have the latest and greatest phone.
Sol Sherman
Seems like my bill.has gone up from 17-27-71 euros in 3 days Caixa bank have stolen 3000 euros from me so I check everything now id like to know also I can't find the payment page
Colin Wood
Such a shame there is no option to change the language. My bills are in English, the customer area is in English, you will reply to my comments here in English. But not the app.
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