Reviews of IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM

List of user reviews and ratings for IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 22)
See reviews for IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.67
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8% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
Contacts take a long time to open. If you search for a specific contact it doesn't open at all.
A Google user
erased all my phone contacts and replaced with my database. ive tried calling them for help but no one answers. save yourself time and stress. dont use this system.
A Google user
Easy access to my database. Maybe update it to match the new format?
A Google user
Not Free as advertised. Requires $33 monthly subscription.
A Google user
Since my last review, this app has gotten much better. Nice to work with. I highly recommend it to other real estate agents.
A Google user
Clearly a lot of thought was put into making the desktop version intuitive and easy to use on a mobile device. Well done.
A Google user
Finally Arrived! So Awesome
A Google user
Solid App, worked great
A Google user
Yup, works really well!
A Google user
This is by far the best app I used to help organize my contacts, the layout is easy to use and it's user friendly.
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