Reviews of SupplyPro GM

List of user reviews and ratings for SupplyPro GM

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for SupplyPro GM on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.25
All time rating average: 3.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
Omar AM
Absolute garbage of an app, and company. Can't view or do anything past basic RO accept/reject/complete. their customer service never answers the phone, never return calls, and take 10+ days to reply on to an email.
Lacy McCormick
Will not open after installing and deleting and installing again
Matthew Brake
Auto minimizes and won't stay open making it useless, pixel 6a
Jason Morrison
Wont load pictures most of the time. Either says picture not found or just goes right back to camera. Sometimes entire app won't load at all. Kills battery fast. If I allow services to run in the background, it never stops running killing battery further. Good idea just doesn't work on my phone I guess. Galaxy s10 running on verizon network.