Wyze - Make Your Home Smarter

The Wyze app is your gateway to a smarter life and a safer home.

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 137,876)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Affordable camera prices
  • Good camera quality and features
  • Easy setup and navigation of the app
  • Availability of free features
  • Includes night vision capabilities
  • Frequent notification issues and delays
  • Playback and event viewing problems
  • Inconsistent camera connectivity and errors
  • Increased focus on subscription features
  • Frequent app bugs and glitches
Most mentioned
  • Notification issues
  • Playback problems with SD card
  • Connectivity problems with cameras
  • Recent app changes are frustrating
  • Subscription requirements limiting features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.29
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Date Author Rating Comment
Douglas Otstott
App worked great for years, but for the last several months I have gone weeks at a time without receiving a notification. Even though notifications are configured and I can see events in the recording history that should have triggered notifications, I never receive one. It's unfortunate that app developers feel the need to break a perfectly functional app in the name of incremental improvement and to hock new features for additional subscriptions.
Eddie Eddie
I gave you five stars in the beginning, now it's one star. I cannot see the time lapse, you play back table, nothing shows. SD card is inserted, I can record if I hit the record button from the live view period otherwise, I cannot see anything when I hit you play back and it's on events only. Record to SD card is enabled. I think you guys took it away to force us to buy storage from your cloud/server. Please help me fix it.
I subscribed to Plus and never needed it until late down the road, only to find out it wasn't even activated. When I asked for a refund, they directed me to Google Play. Denied. 3rd party payments only lead to pointing fingers at each other. Nothing gets resolved. Resubscribed down the road. Needed it again. Experienced my second billing issue. New debit card, updated in the system, but payments still aren't going thru. No accountability. Irresponsible business. I'm done.
rdiddy mat
My old camera stopped recognizing sd cards one day. I figured it was time for an upgrade anyways and bought a new one (v3) to replace it. Guess what, same problem. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Made sure everything in the camera and the app was up to date. Spent countless hours up all night searching for a solution. I'm done. Every time I update a feature or something else seems to go wrong. I'm returning the camera and saying goodbye to Wyze forever. I wouldn't recommend them.
Chris ki1
Wyze cam v3 is a great camera. Wyze cameras are the best wired cams, hands down. I also have cameras from the big company which begins with the letter "A". These are good for wireless outdoor use but the app is a little wonky at times. My wyze cam SD cards may need to be changed as I do not get my notifications properly. I will update my review after I change them out.
James St. Jean
I hate the changes they have made to this app in the last year. It is so bad now! You get a sound alert and when you load it, it always defaults to muted sound. So stupid!! I hate the home screen that tries to play all your selected camera feeds at the same time. Just stupid when you are on a mobile network! And what happened to the camera on/off buttons? Buried and not even consistent from camera type to camera type. I wish I had the old app. East to use. Efficient. Simple. Functional.
Amy Smith
app works well. the cameras in general will either be great or have lots of issues. their free service gets you by but be prepared for tons of motion notifications for every little thing. like fog particles, dust, slight light changes. It's extremely frustrating. also if you ever change your wifi you have to remove and reset up all your cameras. there really needs to be a setting to update WiFi settings.
Gloria Silvers
I have wanted this for several years. I finally got it this past Christmas. I am tickled pick w/ it!! So far it is absolutely perfect. Very easy setup, fantastic 📸 & night vision is amazing. I am using the free features right now but I the thinking about paying for a fee more features. It's not expensive at all you can pay $2.99 a month or you can pay $20 for the year. I love my Wyze!!!
Ashley Davis
Was okay till they changed them to not record events, I even have an SD card and the "events" just show a picture 😵‍💫 now the cameras are basically expensive trash 😞🗑️ update/reply: it's because I'm not paying extra to use my cameras. It's not an error, it's the features you removed access to without a subscription. I don't care about person notifications and extras. I just want my cameras to record a short video when movement sound is picked up. Same as when I first bought wyze cameras.
Kayla B
Camera - awesome App - definitely needs improvement. 1. You can not toggle from customer service chat to trobleshooting without completely disconnecting the chat and having to start all over. 2. Customer service will not come right out and tell you there is no actual place on the app to reconnect a camera. If it doesn't auto connect, you need to troubleshoot or delete and readd the camera
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