Reviews of Farming Tycoon 3D - Idle Game

List of user reviews and ratings for Farming Tycoon 3D - Idle Game

Total ratings

2.80 (Rating count: 544)

Review summary

  • Good concept and enjoyable gameplay
  • Initial gameplay is engaging
  • Fun time-wasting mechanics
  • Excessive and forced advertisements
  • Technical issues causing crashes and lag
  • Limited content and options for expansion or upgrades
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads interfere with gameplay
  • Game becomes laggy after a short period
  • Difficulty in hiring managers and expanding the farm
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Farming Tycoon 3D - Idle Game on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.80
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Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Comment
Nicholas C.
Worked well for 55 minutes, but now it makes my phone crash every time I try to open the app. Also, way too many ads.
Eugina Bogle (Gina)
I downloaded it and tried to play and it wouldn't load and it said something about a bug in the cache. I hope it get fixed soon.
Thomas Russelburg
Clever ad generator. Would give it 5 buuuuut, you gotta watch ads to get anywhere financially. Between that and forced ads every so often including everytime you level up, you'll spend more time watching than actually playing. Uninstalling.
Missy Bell
I like the game. But woudnt give this thing a full one star ads all the time so many of them
Tried to buy the ad remover clicked on it and didn't take me to a payment method took me back to game
I like this game but when i start to play its fine but the game become laggy like i play 3-2 min then the game start to become laggy plsss fix it!!!
Barry Watts
I hate forced ads. It just instantly makes me push the uninstall button. You force an ad which doesn't even reward you.
Bliss Langstaff
Completed it in a day. Not many levels
Krystal “SerendipityFireAbyss” Weitemier
When i try to purchase the no ads option it freezes the game and wont let my buy it
Jared Gillespie
Was a good time waster for a bit, but like many others it relies too much on add revenue. Forced adds in between screens = auto uninstall for nearly every person I know. When will they learn? Never.
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