English Grammar Tests

Practice English grammar in a fast and quick way!

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 2,392)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for learning and improving English grammar
  • User-friendly interface and easy to understand
  • Provides a fun and engaging way to practice grammar
  • Offers performance tracking and study plans
  • Cost-free version available with useful features
  • Limited topics and features in the free version
  • Repetitive questions in tests
  • Some questions may be meaningless or incorrect
  • Premium version not accessible in certain countries
  • Lacks advanced topics like active and passive voice
Most mentioned
  • Effectiveness in improving English skills
  • Desire for more features or topics
  • Fun and engaging learning experience
  • Suitability for different age groups
  • User-friendly design
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.59
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77% (23)
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17% (5)
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7% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Arman Sodial
It's a better app for practicing english while free time...but one thing is i would like to share that it doesn't provide much important topics... Though I'm satisfied with costfree version but if more features could be there..it would be more beneficial..✨
Thilini Nisansala
This is a very useful app for everyone who like to learn English form the beginning. You will see the results! Excellent 👍
Rojmin Pathan
This is the best app for students to study English grammar. So many students are confused in this subject so this will be considered a best app for students.
Mimoza Nikolovska
Hi, I like this app for my son, but why can't I buy the premium version in Macedonia? It says something about selected country...
nautica ashiru
The English Grammar App Awesome
HM Nahid
I'm enjoying it . It's a very helpful app . But please unlock the other features.
n santiago
It is a fun and challenging way to practice and learn English.
Co De
good, it improves your reading and grammar
Shyamal Chanda
It's very fantastic app. I like it.
Melissa McMillan
Very helpful and informative
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