Reviews of Stone Miner

List of user reviews and ratings for Stone Miner

Total ratings

4.36 (Rating count: 128,585)

Review summary

  • Fun and addicting gameplay.
  • Entertaining way to kill time.
  • Satisfying mechanics of collecting and upgrading.
  • Potential for enjoyment if issues are fixed.
  • Excessive ads that interrupt gameplay.
  • Performance issues like lag and crashing.
  • Limited upgrades and progression feels slow.
  • Broken mechanics at higher levels lead to unplayable states.
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads interrupting gameplay.
  • Game performance issues (lag and crashing).
  • Limited content and slow progression after a certain point.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.36
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30% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Richard Gaskill
It basically every 2 minutes it ask you to have an ad if you want to get more money but it's more like it forces you to get an ad like I get is a popular game I think but still an ad I'm sorry it used to be a five but when you get to level 33 and you decide to restart from the beginning it basically breaks your game and you're stuck traveling through water and it took me 3 weeks just to give up and uninstall the game and reinstall The game. So sorry I really love your game but I can't go higher.
Leo Lionheart
I used airplane mode to make this playable. The game itself is... Okay. It's very unpolished, but a great way to kill time. There's next to no sound except for when picking up stones. Upgrading takes entirely too long. After 3 levels, I barely had a few power upgrades. The game has a very unfinished feel to it. Ad wise, the game heavily relies on adverts as most anything in the game prompts you to watch an ad, including upgrading. Giving it 2 stars because it's not bad, but it's far from good.
Fun. Addicting. Way to many ads. There are 4 things running in the background. A lot of LAGGING. I have to shut game down and restart about 50 times. (In 1 day) Really drains phone battery. If there is an ad- constantly running at the bottom of screen--no other ad needed- except maybe for boosts. Plz fix. Plus no warning that will reset the grinder if I watch ad (after maxed out-thought I was getting a bonus) Would be nice if there was a way to make infinite damage permanent. Not uninstalL YET!
Megan Fairchild
Far too many ads. It's very distracting when you're trying to play, only to suddenly get an ad pop up that lags and won't skip when you press the x. The game often lags, and sends the miner where I don't want to go, even if I'm not touching the screen. The boosters that pop up are distracting too, and mess up my game. On top of that, the app would often kick me out to my home screen, and I'd have to reenter the app. It's so bad I want to give a 0, but that's not possible, so I give it a 1.
Christopher Anido
The game is fun overall but I have two problems. One, way too many ads. It would ask if I want to watch an ad, I say no, and it brings one up anyway. Two, the game keeps crashing. While trying to watch an ad for some upgrades the game just exits out itself. Please fix it because its annoying. Thanks
Andrew Marsh
Game is okay. Paid to remove the ads but, thought there were more levels. Tried to go back to level 2 from the very end and it's just moving on the water. Left game running for 30 minutes exactly and it's doing absolutely nothing but surfing on the water. That's the reason for the 2 stars. Fix this so you can move from level to level. Fixing to delete it.
Kayla Sweet (Kay Sweet)
I've just started playing but I just beat level one and it's a pretty fun game so far. It's definitely satisfying lol. There are ads but they aren't extremely invasive like in other apps. you can choose to watch an ad if you want to make your earnings double or triple ect.. I only gave 4☆s because I haven't had enough time to really get into the game to make my full opinion yet.
Weston Haas
Someone said there was no tutorial on how to play, bro, these low IQ children out here, smh. Anyways, uninstalling. The "upgrade dock" for my machine is STUCK on the moving animation, and won't go to another island. Furthermore, that means that I can't control the mining machine, so I literally cannot play the game. What a ridiculous glitch. Only getting 3 stars because of that ridiculous glitch, but still getting 3 stars, because other than the glitch, the game was good.
Deovion McFarland
I feel like this game has a lot of potential... When i saw the ad for it, i was skeptical.. but it obviously caught my attention, so i downloaded it. I didnt even get to start to even play the game because of how much lag there was.. thats it on my end. I want to play this game (i uninstalled and reinstalled it twice just to get it to work right), so if we can fix the lag problem and i play the game, I can update this here review.. win win situation 😊
Cynthia A
I was enjoying this game in the beginning, but when I reached level 41 it started messing up really bad!!!! Too many ads, too many interruptions, WAY TOO SLOW!!!! Boosters not helping at all. Maxed out all grinder settings, and that didn't help either. Grinder started turning red and wouldn't move. Trying to control direction was a waste of time, like it had a mind of it's own and totally uncooperative! I'm so done with this game, I'm uninstalling right now!
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