Reviews of HIBIR

List of user reviews and ratings for HIBIR

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 417)

Review summary

  • Easy to use with a good design
  • Offers detailed information and access to client accounts
  • Ability to generate downloadable bank statements in PDF and Excel format
  • High customer satisfaction compared to other Ethiopian bank apps
  • Frequent device registration failures and login issues
  • Poor performance with long load times and bugs
  • Inconsistency with SMS OTP delivery timing
  • Lack of updates and support for newer Android versions
Most mentioned
  • Device registration failed
  • Long login and registration times
  • Frequent errors and bugs
  • Inconsistent OTP verification process
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.61
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Rating filters

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32% (7)
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55% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
QQ 20
This app have no session time if you closed your mobile then open the mobile still the app is open & show ur balance why?.it is very very dangerous for user. See commercial bank of Ethiopia app. It is πŸ’―perfect
kalkidan Haile
The best and best mobile app in Ethiopia. You value your customers πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. It is easy, no need begging bank officers to login, .... This is th definition of using technology to simply life
Alemu Zewude
An interesting & simple app. but the challenge facing was the redandant request of OTP request???
Bira Yirga
The Best app ever!!!
Eyuel Bekele
The App Is Constantly Saying Device Registration Failed. Update The App Please
This app is lates amd fast but why didn't work on all phones example on Teckno spark 10 ican't use.
Abel Zewdu
This app don't get updates Don't work with Android 14 Lots of glitches Not secured as a banking system Lots of room to improve
Mulugeta Mekonnen Mechato
I have got hebir app is convimenet and secure. It takes too long time to Registration,and not assiciatied with sim,if associated with sim it may be more secure,please work on both issues. Thank you.
mikiyas moges
I can't login to my account this is the worst mobie banking app. It says Device registration failed
beth solomon
registered today for online banking and got a temporary password but I can't even login in using my mobile no for inorder to set a new password. it keeps saying "null" when I put my correct mobile no. to login very frustrating, I have to go back to the branch
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