Reviews of Swipe Option

List of user reviews and ratings for Swipe Option

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 2,897)

Review summary

  • Good concept for trading
  • Some users find it accurate when notifications work
  • Positive experience when app functions properly
  • Frequent issues with subscription access despite payments being active
  • Major notification problems leading to unreliable performance
  • App does not function properly on multiple devices, causing login issues
  • Users unable to access app after downloading due to subscription errors
Most mentioned
  • Subscription issues
  • Notification problems
  • Login difficulties
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.30
All time rating average: 4.11
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Rating filters

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55% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
App has a bug. It keeps saying subscription is due but my subscription is not due. My account is active. Fix asap.
Maurie Roland
I was having the same problem it kept saying subscription due and i found out you have to pay $22.95 through im academy now in order to access this app for trade purposes
Crystal Washington
I login and it says subscription is due. Not sure what the issue is, but the app is unreliable, which sucks.
Philip Amadi
Just a reminder; I have not been able to access this app as I tried to download it. Instead ' your subscription is due' continues to pop up. Please, kindly fix.
Jamie Eubanks
It says subscription due. I cannot access this app, never have been able since downloading it on 8/6. I see lots of others have this issue. Are you going to fix it?
Omolara Adewumi
I really enjoy the app but now unable to login with error message saying my subscription is due while it is still running.. Kindly look into this urgently
STooReal None
Sucks. Notifications not accurate. Receive several notfications in my email but its never loaded into the app. Sucks. You are given entry numbers that the currency never reaches. Suckssssss major...
Charlie Brewitt
Awesome app when notifications worked for about 3 days..... When they stopped its a useless app considering its time reliant. Fix that issue and I'll happily edit to 5 stars as it was worth that
Chevi Dumas
Its not working! After putting user name and pswd in, it doesnt login! It brings me back to the login page! This is the second app from you guys that I tried and it didnt work! Geezz...spend the 💰 guys!
Shawn Sutton
I'm very disappointed with this app. I have to open up the app to see the notifications that the hours already passed. I don't get a notification on my phone even though I have it set up to go to find me when it's open. Come on guys let's get this working I want to make money
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