Internet Browser

Surfing Internet & Discover fun here

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 83,367)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for reading manga, manhwa, and manhua with PDF support and zoom functionality
  • Good user interface that some users find attractive and convenient
  • Has a real adblock feature that worked for some users initially
  • Some users report it as a fast browser compared to others
  • Secure browsing option available on some devices
  • Persistent ads and unwanted news articles that cannot be disabled or customized
  • Inability to manage tabs effectively, like closing them easily or customizing the homepage
  • Lack of essential features like download management, page saving, and offline viewing
  • Frequent crashes and instability after recent updates
  • Limited functionality compared to other popular browsers, with poor support for changing search engines
Most mentioned
  • Ads and ad blocking issues
  • Inability to customize the homepage or remove unwanted content
  • Poor tab management and browsing experience
  • Issues with the PDF viewer and text selection causing scroll problems
  • Frequent crashes and instability post-update
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.16
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Date Author Rating Comment
if u like to read manga manhwa manhua on telegram you have to download this this app have pdf for read you can zoom in zoom out. im a uploader at fb so o need this to screenshot my post
printer ink bansal
Worst app , i am using it long time still they have not solved simple problem of pdf viewer in which when selecting any text then it automatically scrolling down wards so content huge selection instead required one only very bad experience
Akanksha sharma
Hello, I don't want news articles, so please add a option to disable it.
Goh Jenn Hsen
It appears that this browser only have private browsing (incognito) mode, it can't be turn off? How about when I want to use normal browsing? Please help
Socrates Of Thales
Cheap chrome copyExtremely pathetic, ancient features,app code is very mediocre, Mozilla,chrome,safari are giving more and STRONGER features,company decided to kill its app with lesser and least useful features. 1.No "page saving" option 2.Download hassle-No resume,No download management 3.Displays Ads at the start why is it inbuilt ? 4.Adblocker displays fake ads blocked counter, yet ads on all pages keep popping up 5."Access To Location information" is of NO USE.GOOGLE STILL DISPLAYS LOCATION.
Reached Height
It's not even worth a single rating, the browser is garbage, ads will pop up by sideliading, it will try to load insecure sites news flashes at front page you can't remove them there is no option to choose search engine there is off option but it doesn't do anything crashes always load insecure some gaming site automatically just remove it from system app from realme c11 we don't need it
Luis De Leon
I want it for me to be opened all my data's especially my location and identity for my security reasons and for me it's more easier to trak the evidence or identity of an hucker or identity impersonator, What do you think about my way Sir ,is it more okay or just a junk idea, good day and thank you
Jose Ortega
It's good but I wish we could get rid of the recommend thing and also it just closes tabs when you exit the app
Bad App. This is malware. Doesn't let you uninstall the app. And every link you open directly goes to this app.
Sudhanshu Khanna
Really nice Web browser but option for opening only 12 tabs. Look and feel is impressive and very convenient to use. Sometimes too many ads.
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