Strategy & Tactics: Medieval C

Middle Age part of the Strategy & Tactics series! Medieval war strategy game

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 12,701)

Review summary

  • Great concept and enjoyable strategic gameplay
  • Free to play with no pay-to-win mechanics
  • Addictive and well-thought-out game with fun mechanics
  • Visually appealing graphics
  • Solid AI that provides a challenging experience
  • Lack of clear tutorial to help new players understand the game mechanics
  • Repetitive gameplay with limited maps and game modes
  • UI issues that affect navigation and troop movement
  • Loss of progress with device changes or reinstallation
  • Limited variety in units and building upgrades
Most mentioned
  • Need for better tutorials and clearer instructions
  • Desire for new and varied gameplay modes and maps
  • Issues with UI and troop movement controls
  • Repetitive gameplay leading to less replayability
  • Concerns over progress and purchases not transferring between devices
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.99
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29% (6)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jimmy Von Putch
For a free to play (def not pay to win) this is a pretty great strategy game! Echoes of Heroes of Might & Magic as you recruit heroes and purchase units that accompany them, with each hero having different special abilities to unlock with battle exp. Although you capture towns/cities there is no upgrading/adding buildings etc which would certainly add more depth. There is only a handful of maps so hoping more are added in future. I would give it 4.5 stars if I could as its almost perfect.
Thomas Visser
UI could use some work, but great concept. Needs a clearly defined menu button, should stop scrolling the map when i lift my finger, and if i use a country next to my selected trips to scroll the map, it shouldn't move my troops there. Could be fixed with a confirm move button, or an undo button just as easily.
Joseph Hale
This game could benefit from a bit of a tutorial. Regardless though this is an excellent game! You can play as much as you want and yet are required to play none so it's a great place holder on your phone. I would like it if the developers were a little bit more clear with what you get when you purchase a commander cause I don't know If you get to keep him for more than one match or not. I did end up purchasing a relic in order to support the developers.
Syayful Muhammad
Playing as Provence, Gallia, and Britland are easy since there's horse unit. But playing The Hansa, oh my, it's tedious, since you only have infantries, hard to catch enemies, imagine chasing down the enemy cavalry lol. so it took twice as long to conquer the mission. Anyway, there is an extreme learning curve you have to do first to play this game properly. it took me a while before figuring out things as I play and failed. Great game overall, just need more variety.
William Burke
I definitely like the game but I find that it doesn't have enough replayability to it sure there are different endgame objectives but it just boils down to one game mode that plays the same each time. I would like to see new modes to liven up the gameplay, or even a defensive mode like defending objectives from an invading force. Another thing it's a bit frustrating hunting down that one last army when counquering the whole map as most of the time it'll just sit hiding in the forest.
The Entity
It looks great and everything. There is just one massive issue. I am new and have no idea what to do. It is very confusing and the instructions are not clear. Ive stared at it for a while and fiddling around. To me, it is just a confusing mess. I have no idea how to do anything. There is no video tutorials online. I am just completely lost and my head literaly hurts trying to figure it all out.
jonathan GOnzalez
So I've played this game for a while, I really like it, the only problem i have is that a while ago i made a purchase of some heroic grade equipment i got a rifle and a sword both in some kind of deal, along with many hours of playtime, upgraded comander and stats... I lost the phone i played on and when i reinstalled it on a new phone i lost everything, I've tried re-installing the game and trying different accounts but i can't get my old stuff back, if you can fix this I'll give the 5 stars
Micheal Williams
I love the concept of the game! It needs some work on some glitches though. After every turn a black screen pops up with no message on it, just an ok button. That screen partially blocks the view of the enemy turn and serves no purpose. There needs to be an undo button for unit movements and a confirmation button for attacks. It is too easy to accidently touch the wrong spot and make a move you did not intend with no recourse but to start the whole game over. I have more suggestions, out of room
Jacob Johnson
Good game, takes time to get used to and get strong. I like that you don't have to pay to get strong, but I do think the time needed is a little too high. Another problem I am consistently running into is a gameplay problem regarding controls. My problem is the troop movement and the territory sizes, as well as the challenge of seeing the borders. The game needs a more clear and defined way to see the borders when moving troops, I have lost/wasted so many turns because I couldn't see the borders
Geoff Collette
Good game! The ability to mutually support your armies on campaign add s sort of realism that illustrates the difficulty of waging war in the period. Guarding your flanks, having cavalry support and ensuring your strongest forces are in the right place at the right time is important and takes some planning ahead. I enjoyed it alot and only begun to unlock stuff.
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