Hero Cards

Card deckbuilding and collection management app

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5.00 (Rating count: 38)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
Filippos Intzes
Love this app. In the random generator, heroes who have multiple hero cards have higher chances to appear cause all the forms are registered differently. Iron heart appeared twice in the same random instance and 2 of the forms dont even have an image.
Simon Crook
Perfect companion app for MC deck building
CHAVHUNTER (chavhunter86)
Great app it does everything you want like it can randomly generate modules for you to play and also the a hero for you to play and it can track hp of all the heros when you play and keep track of the campaigns and it lets you build new decks
Ivan Simeon
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Would be nice to see missing packs/ cards while browsing decks...but this app is just awesome!
Doug Wyatt
super handy app. fingers crossed it's going to be updated for the newest expansion and beyond 😁🤞
Sam Tovey
Fantastic app, so useful for deckbuilding in Marvel Champions! It's well laid out and the trait/description searching is a god-send. Love using it!
Vic D
I've come across a typo here and there and sometimes it can be a little slow. But my goodness it's a great companion app for Marvel Champions. I could tell you put a TON of work into this thing. I don't even use marvel cdb anymore if I have my phone on me lol. Good work, brother!